6. | Riley

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Later on that evening, just as it had turned midnight, James and I retreated back to the gates which divided the two sides. We were a lot later in getting me back than I had been expecting but I was just hoping no one had seen me or entered my room, even if those chances were extremely low.

Normally, Nana would enter the room to check I was okay and not having one of my nightmares - that or she would make sure I was asleep and wasn't staying up into the early hours of the morning with my nose in a book or spending it by the windowsill overthinking life, like I had the tendency to do more often than not.

"Meet here again same time tomorrow night?" James asks me, his voice a whisper after he had tugged me back by the hand right as I was about to enter North Side once again.

I smile at him softly and nod my head, my hand brushing his own with a soft tingle.

"We'll meet an hour earlier," I say to him, making him smile just as much back at me before letting go of my hand, allowing me to step back into the real world of my day to day life.

I look over my shoulder every now and again as I ran over the grass to head back over to my bedroom.

I already had a way of sneaking up it via the winding staircase at the back of the house which led to the corridor of all the bedrooms. All I had to do was be quiet when opening and closing each door I walked through.

After entering my room upon creeping down the hallways, I stepped into my room and removed my shoes so my socks quietened the amount of noise I was making.

I closed my door shut and then hurried over to the window ledge which led out to the balcony, just in time for James to look up at me before he waved his hand.

Biting my lip, I slowly lift my hand up to match his movements as I wave back at him until he left and was no longer visible to the naked eye. And for the first time in a while, I went to bed straight away, collapsing onto the duvet mattress in my night gown with my fur coat covering me as my blanket. It was the first proper sleep I had endured in a long time...

. . .

The following morning I was awoken by the rush opening of my curtains, causing the daylight from outside to shine through and pretty much blind me. Footsteps scurried around the room and I knew it could have only been one person in particular so I groaned and rubbed my eyes, rolling onto my side before covering my head with my coat.

"Time to get up, sweet pea," Nana's voice rings in my ear, only making me whine even more, moving to clutch my pillows in my hands.

It was still early - too early for my liking. I needed more sleep. Those few hours I got in last night weren't anywhere near enough for me.

"Come on, sweetheart, we're meeting with Axel's family this morning," Nana continues to push, laying my dress for the day out on my bed where my feet were no longer lurking after I had hauled my legs up to tuck my knees into my chest.

I didn't care about Axel. I didn't care about seeing him. I didn't care about Cotillion and I certainly didn't care about spending the day with his family either. What benefit would it have to my life right now other than compel me to endure pure and utter torture?

"I don't want to," I mumble under my breath, opening my eyes by the slightest so I was squinting while looking at Nana with a pout. Out of everyone, she was the one person who ever helped me get my way - but it depended on how serious the occasion was.

"It's only for breakfast, baby," she says to me, sighing as she heads over before stroking my hair lightly. "It's just one hour at the dining table-"

"With people I couldn't care any less about," I finish off before she had the chance to, but at the sound of my words she frowns and gives me 'the look' which told me to "cut down the attitude" and "behave".

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