49. | James

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"Which dress should I wear for dinner tonight?" Riley asks me as I lay sprawled across her bed.

She stood in front of me in just her towel, her hair packed up into a bun on top of her head after just having washed it. 

I look up at her to find her holding two of the same dresses in her hands but in different colours. One pink, one blue. It was an easy option and I smirk at her for a moment before shuffling to the edge of her bed. 

"What do you think, babe?" I ask her, grabbing hold of her hips. 

She contemplates it, raising an eyebrow but before she could respond, I chuckle and pull her down so she spirals forwards and lands on top of me on the bed, her chest pressed against mine. "James!" she squeals. 

She drops the two dresses on either side of us and I keep my hands placed on her back, locking her in position. "I need to get changed," she giggles when I try placing a kiss on her lips. "We have time for all of this later." 

"But Ri," I pout. "You're only in a towel. It's the perfect time," I tell her. 

She rolls her eyes at me playfully and kisses the tip of my nose. Her hand comes in contact with my cheek and she brushes her thumb over it softly. "I promise," she whispers. "Later, okay?" 

She pecks my lips quickly and then stands back up before grabbing the blue dress to take it with her into the bathroom en suite. 

I smile, watching her walk away from me because I knew she had made the perfect choice. I would have chosen the blue dress too.

. . .

Riley and I were sat downstairs at the table right beside each other. I didn't ever think our families would join together and meet like this but it seems to have happened a lot quicker and more smoothly than I would have thought. 

Piper was sat beside Riley while Emily sat next to me. 

She had invited Hunter to join us and honestly, I was glad. He needed this more than anything. Whether he cared to admit it or not, he needed this kind of unity. Being separated wasn't getting us anywhere and when someone's been through as much as he has, it's the only thing they can really ask for. 

Mum sat next to Piper while Richard sat at the head of the table and Ava sat at the other end.

Nancy and Matteo were both helping out in the kitchen but all I could think about whilst being here was how close in contact with my dad I was. I'd been meaning to talk to him desperately but I had no idea what to say to him or how the conversation would go. 

Ri had been trying to convince me that everything would be okay and she had urged me to try and build up the courage to tal to him tonight but the fear is eating me up inside. 

What if he doesn't want me or like me? What if I haven't turned out the way he wanted me to?

Riley places her hand on my thigh under the table when she realises I had dived out of the conversation. "You okay?" she whispers. 

I look down at her and smile, placing my hand on top of hers. "Perfect," I whisper back. 

Just then, Matteo walks through the double doors with two silver platters balanced on each of his hands, another pair balanced on his arms. He paces over and sets them out on the dining table in front of us but in doing so, he exchanges a glance with both Mum and I and things couldn't have felt any more complicated. 

Riley looks at me and nods her head reassuringly, giving my knee a light squeeze. 

I bite my lip but shake my head. Now wasn't the time. I couldn't talk to him in front of everyone. Especially not with Mum here. 

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