45. | Riley

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Talking to Dad had never been an easy task. It normally consisted of me trying to tell him something but him not listening to a word I say because he would be far more interested in something else going on. Either that, or he had heard every word I uttered but would choose to not take me seriously and shake it off like it was nothing. 

He was in the hall right now discussing plans with Ava for their wedding taking place next week and honestly? When I see the look on his face, I was glad Emily was here with me and we were going to say and do this together. 

It wasn't often I stood up to Dad. A lot of the time I would get myself into even more trouble. 

As soon as we step foot inside the hall, Emily clears her throat, making all eyes fall onto the two of us. I glance down for a moment before looking back up again, this time with a much more confident expression. 

"Dad, Riley and I need to talk to you. It's important," she tells him sternly. 

Dad looks at us in confusion before sighing. He motions for everyone else in here to leave, except for Ava. I was okay with that. 

"You okay girls?" Ava asks us both, looking at us worriedly. 

When her eyes meet mine, she offers me a soft smile and it was one that I reciprocate. Ever since she helped me with my panic attack the other night, I've begun to see her in a different light. I think both she and I are beginning to understand each other. 

Emily takes a deep breath in and I squeeze her hand for extra support before she takes a step forwards towards Dad. "I can't do this, Dad. I'm not you and I can't take on all of this by myself." She lets it out and I watch as her shoulders rise slightly, unsure of what his response would be. 

I had never seen Emily so nervous before. I always thought she was the confident one out of the two of us but right now it's been revealed that her biggest fear is Dad... 

"What are you talking about, sweetheart? You've got to do this whether you like it or not. I had to take it on when your grandfather died so now it's your turn to do so too," he tells her. I could see he was faking the sweet fatherly voice all the way from over here even as he pecks her forehead and attempts to walk away. 

Before he was able to leave the room, Emily turns around and stands up for herself. "I don't want to do it, Dad. Not by myself, and you definitely can't force me to either. No one ever said it had to be just one person who takes over this place," she says without a stutter. 

Her eyebrows draw towards each other as she speaks and her words make Dad stop in his tracks. 

He turns back around to stare at her dead in the eye, tilting his head sideways. "What are you trying to say, Emily?" 

Em looks to me for help so I nod my head to reassure her that everything would be fine. 

She inhales then exhales before looking back at Dad. "I'm saying that if I'm going to do this, I need Riley with me. Like a partnership. I want her and I to do this together as sisters." 

She holds her breath after saying it and my eyes dart between her, Dad and Ava. 

Ava had the same gentle smile on her face and I could immediately tell we had her on board but as for Dad? I think we might have pushed him over the limit. 

He takes one look at me for the first time in ages but the moment he sees me he scoffs. "Nonsense!" 

His false smile turns into a scowl and he crosses his arms over his chest, glaring straight at me. 

"You are not having a partnership between the two of you and I am definitely not allowing some lousy daughter of mine to take over when she has no respect for this family at all! You think I don't care that Riley's been fawning over some homeless boy from the other side all this time? You think I take no notice and that's why I'm giving her the silent treatment? No! I'm doing it because I'm not accepting that kind of behaviour into this family!" he yells, keeping his gaze fixed on me. 

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