48. | James

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After breaking the barrier between the town and setting all differences amongst us aside, Riley and Emily both spoke things over and came to an agreement which they spoke to Miss Kate about regarding Nationals.

Rather than having to pay the cost to go to Nationals, they wanted to hold a fundraiser as an alternative.

It would be open to all guests except those who could afford it would have to pay to go. It would raise enough money to pay for all the damages in the recent riot and they were hoping the talent would amaze people just enough to get them to donate more money to help with the families who were a part of South Side.

It took quite a bit of convincing but after a while, Kate gave in and got everyone at the studios to do some rehearsing and produce enough routines to keep the show going all night.

Riley and I had finished practising the duet we were planning to perform on stage but after that she had disappeared to somewhere else. She was quite a busy bee now that she and Emily were in charge but I couldn't be more proud of her for sticking up for what's right.

We were in the auditorium while she stood with her sister, discussing how the night was going to go.

After agreeing on seating arrangements, Emily turned to leave to go and contend with their father, and the moment she was out of sight, I took it as the perfect opportunity to go and catch some time with Ri.

I sneak up behind her and then wrap my arms around her waist from behind as she takes a deep breath in. I pull her against my sculpted chest and she leans further back when I nuzzle my head into the crook of her neck.

"Hey, you," I whisper in her ear, pressing a soft kiss on her shoulder blade.

She turns around to face me and then exhales. "Hey."

She smiles and reaches up on the tips of her toes to gain the height she needed to kiss me before setting herself back down onto the soles of her feet.

"You okay?" I ask her, tucking her hair behind her ear to look into her eyes properly.

She smiles again, gently nodding. "Yeah, just making sure everything's perfect for tonight."

"How's Emily doing?" I ask her, making her tilt her head sideways.

"I think she's doing better now that we're doing things together," she chuckles. I could understand that. Two people are better than one. "Plus, I'm pretty sure she and Hunter have a sweet bond. She's helping him through things."

She steps out of the way before gesturing towards the two of them where they were sat together on the edge of the stage, their hands placed together taking up the gap between them. I smile at the sight and keep my arm wrapped around Riley's waist.

I was just glad there was someone here to comfort him while he's grieving. Not a lot of people know how to understand or control Hunter but I have a feeling Emily will. She's patient with him and I like that about her.

Riley turns back around to face me before biting her lip, moving her hands to my chest where she keeps them placed lightly. I look down at her, tracing circles over her hips.

"I've been meaning to give you something..." she says slowly, making me look at her confusedly. "Could you meet me backstage before we go on for our duet? I don't want anyone else there to see it."

She looks back up into my eyes and I could see that whatever it was, it meant a lot to her. Of course I was going to agree.

"Okay," I whisper. I move my hand to hold one of hers and I stroke my thumb over her knuckles.

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