43. | James

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I couldn't understand the point in all of this. We were putting everyone's lives in danger for no reason.

I had tried talking Hunter out of it but when he was as intoxicated as he was right now, he wouldn't budge. There was no pushing him.

I had told Mum and Piper to stay home and thankfully they've listened. I don't think I'd be able to bear it if either of them were to come out here during all of this. Not after the state I found Mum in all those years ago.

I keep my eyes on Riley the entire time, making sure no one and nothing would hurt her in anyway. I would never be able to forgive myself if something bad was to happen to her.

It was dark, cold and misty, and the entire atmosphere was filled with so much smoke that I could just about see through it. The sound was deafening and I wanted nothing more than to get out of here. But I couldn't do that knowing Ri was nowhere near me right now.

"Hunter!" a high-pitched voice calls out. It was familiar and I could easily recognise it but Hunter wasn't close enough to hear her.

I turn around to find both Hunter's sister and my sister stood together, holding onto each other's hands out of fear. The moment my eyes land on them, I quickly rush over and push them as far back as possible.

"Piper, Millie, what the hell are you doing here? I told you to stay home!" I shout at them through all the noise so they could just about hear me.

Piper couldn't have looked more scared than she did now but Millie wasn't focused on me at all. She was searching for her brother through all the mishap. "Where's my brother? Hunter!" she calls out again in a loud scream. The more she yelled the more attention she was drawing to herself and that was dangerous.

I push them further back so they couldn't even see the gates. I hold each of them by the shoulders, looking them deep in the eyes. They were only thirteen. They shouldn't be here at all.

"You need to go home," I say to them. "Both of you."

"James, what's going on?" Piper asks me whilst Millie scowls, trying to fight her way out of my grip. I try my best to keep her grounded. If she was to go out there, she would get hurt. I know she would.

"Piper, listen to me, okay? You need to go home and take Millie with you. It's not safe for you to stay here!"

I had to shout. I didn't want to but they wouldn't have heard me if I didn't.

Loud screams radiate from out in the distance as the flames grow taller and blaze, roaring with the wind. Rocks continued to be thrown and every time we saw one coming, we all had to duck.

"Please, Pipes," I say to her, trying to soften my tone to get her to listen. "It's not safe for you to be here."

"But what about you? What if you're not safe either."

"I will be." I lean forwards and peck her forehead gently before pulling away, hoping that would be enough to get her to follow my instructions. "Now please go back home, Pipes. And take Millie with you-"

Before she was able to react to my statement, Millie escapes my grip and instantly makes a run for it, causing me to stand up and turn around, watching as the girl ran towards the fire in search of her brother.

"Millie!" I call out loudly. She doesn't look back. She could barely see where she was going.

I tell Piper to wait there as I run after my best friend's sister but by the time I get to her it was too late.

A large pebble which had been set alight is fired in our direction and I manage to duck it but Millie didn't. She didn't see it and she's instantly hit by it, only a few feet away from her brother.

As soon as I see it happen when she stumbles to the ground, I quickly run after her and bow down by her side. "Millie," I repeat over and over again.

Hunter looks behind him but the moment his eyes land on his sister, he drops everything he was holding and rushes over. When he sees her it's as if every ounce of alcohol is drained out of his body and he suddenly sobers up.

"Mill," he whispers. He chokes on her name and shakes her violently but she doesn't move. Her eyes were shut.

The fire had burnt her badly. It had seeped through her clothes. He rolls up her t-shirt slightly and on her stomach was a large burn. Red and brown. Patchy. There was the same burn on her head. Someone had thrown a rock to her head and I didn't see. No one saw. No one realised.

"Millie, please," he whispers. He shakes her again and again, trying to get her to wake up. "Please..."

I shake my head and look towards Riley. Everyone was firing everywhere now. I get up and make my way towards her, leaving Hunter with his sister.

Riley was with Nancy and as soon as I see them both cuddled up against the building, I go and grab Piper too. I couldn't risk leaving her stood there. She doesn't ask any questions but follows my lead as I hold tightly onto her wrist, leading her down to the building Riley was leant up against. It was safe there.

I kneel down by Riley's side and place my hand lightly on her back while her Nana leans against her. "Is she okay?" I whisper into Ri's ear.

She looks up at me and shakes her head, tears filling her eyes. I remain knelt down beside her, not leaving her side while Piper stays next to us.

"I don't know, James," Riley whispers. "She won't talk to me. The smoke is too much for her."

"Go inside," I tell her softly, moving my hand to her arm. "Take you, Nana and Piper inside, okay?"

"No," she mumbles. "Not without you." She looks at me with tears in her eyes but I shake my head at her, lacing our fingers together.

"I'll be there, Riley. But I need to help Hunter first."

"Please, J," she whispers. Her eyes glide around mine while I look at her before sighing. "I'm not going inside without you."

"I promise you I'll be there, Ri. I promise, okay?"

She bows her head, looking down at Nana before I move forwards and capture her lips in mine, kissing her tenderly until we break apart. "Now go, Ri."

"You promise me you'll be there?" she asks.

I think we both knew I had no idea if I would make it. But we could only hope. I wasn't about to let myself go without Riley by my side. "I promise. I love you," I tell her.

The familiar sound of fire fills our ears again when a gust of wind breezes past and then we all stand up, Riley wrapping an arm around her nan's back whilst holding her hand with the other. Piper does the same.

I watch them begin to head inside together and then I turn around to make my way back over to Hunter but before I could run away, a hand meets my shoulder. I turn around to see Riley's sister looking at me with a slight sense of fear.

"Is he your friend?" She gestures towards Hunter and I nod my head.

"And that girl is his little sister."

Ri's sister nods and then grabs hold of my arm before leading me towards them. "Let me help you take them inside," she says.

I follow after her until we get to where Hunter was crouched down beside Millie. But it was already too late...

Hunter looks up at me and breaks down without hesitation. "She's gone," he cries out. "She's not breathing. She's gone, James. Just like my parents. She's fucking gone...!"

I knew this would happen...

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