42. | Riley

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It was the middle of the night when I was woken up by the sound of alarms.

My first thought was that it was James and something was about to happen to him but these alarms were different. I hadn't heard this type before.

It was louder and repeated several times to the point even people on the other side would be able to hear it.

I got out of bed in an instant and made my way out onto the corridor. All of the lights were on and everyone seemed to be awake. I was looking for Nana everywhere but I had no idea where she had wondered off to.

I look behind me to see everyone running around and yelling all sorts of things but I couldn't process what exactly. What I did know was that my fear about Hunter was coming true. He was doing it. It was exactly like what happened twelve years ago.

I turn myself around and rush back into my bedroom in search of my phone. I kept it on my bedside drawer so I grab it immediately and scroll onto James's contact to send him a message but it turned out he had already sent me one previously. I was only seeing it now.

James: Ri please stay where you are, don't come out, I don't want you getting hurt. Hunter wouldn't listen to me. Just don't go anywhere okay?

After reading his message, I quickly crawl over to my windowsill and look outside.

There were a group of people huddled by the fence with matches in their hands, trying to burn it down. It was metal but it was working. I could hear the noise they were making from over here.

They were rioting and there was no getting out of this now.

The alarms were so loud they were deafening and I could hear Dad yelling at everyone, telling the guards to head outside. It only made me panic.

This was the last thing I wanted. We were supposed to be steering away from this, not entertaining it. Doing so would only make Hunter and his group even more angrier.

However, it seemed that the closer I looked, the more people I could see. It wasn't just those guys who had cornered me against the wall earlier. It was middle aged men too. There were kids. Adults. Families.

Just like back when Mum died...

I couldn't just sit here and watch. I couldn't stay here. I had to go out. I couldn't let this happen under my nose.

I place my phone back down and crawl towards my window. No one had bothered to check on me and I doubt anyone would right now. I had to get out of here.

I begin to climb down the wall, the same way I had done when I met James to go to the stables all that time ago.

I step down brick by brick but when I reach the bushes, I breathe in and close my eyes before pushing off the wall and jumping down. It was a big leap but I make it and scramble onto my feet before walking in the direction of the hill where everyone else seemed to be huddled together.

People were stood there throwing rocks over the gates and through the gaps. Dad was ordering the guards on what to do. The guards were pushing through the gates, getting all brutal to the point they were severely hurting people. There were boys trying to climb over the gates from the other side too.

But in the midst of it all, my eyes caught James's gaze and he instantly sees me too. His eyes widen and he shakes his head violently. "What are you doing here?" I see him mouth directly to me.

I shrug my shoulders, feeling the strong desire to run over to him but before I could even begin to do that, Dad's voice fills my ears. "Riley, head back inside! You shouldn't be out here! You should be with your sister!" he yells.

I look around me to find Emily stood there but slightly far away, stood by the building. I shake my head again and run towards James. The gates were already getting knocked down and there was a gap large enough for me to fit through.

"Riley," he whispers to me but I don't dare to listen to him.

"I told you," I snap. "I fucking told you, James! I told you this would happen," I yell at him.

He sighs and wraps his arms around me, holding me tight. I begin to break, my weight falling into his arms as he just about managed to remain standing on his feet. My head buries deep into his chest, scared of what was about to happen.

This could have only gone one of two ways. Either everyone would come to their senses and stop now. Or they could continue and all of us would get hurt...

"I'm sorry," James mumbles against my hair as he kisses it several times. "I'm so sorry, Riley."

I turn my head and look out ahead towards everyone.

At first I look towards Dad to see his reaction. He looked angry but I couldn't have cared less. I was safe in James's arms. This was where I was going to stay even if it's the last place I ever find myself.

Or so I thought...

"Nana," I breathe out the second I make eye-contact with her. The fence breaks down and James pulls me with him as far away from it as possible.

There was fire and smoke everywhere. Rocks were being thrown all over but after seeing Nana, I had to leave. I can't let her get hurt. I just can't.

I work my way out of James's arms and begin to make a run towards Nana. James calls after me but I pay no attention to him and his voice. I just keep running. I run until I couldn't run anywhere else.

I reach Nana as she sat against the wall of the building near Emily. This was all too much for her. The smoke. The fire. The noise.

By the time I get to her, she was suffering from a huge coughing fit. She was choking on the air and she could barely breathe. Her eyes were narrowed and she falls against my lap when I sit myself down beside her.

"Nana," I whisper, tears forming in my eyes as I look down at her. It couldn't be the same situation again. I was just praying it wasn't about to end the same way. It can't end the same way. "Nana, look at me."

"Sweet pea..." she breathes out, making my heart break right there and then.

I close my eyes and lean down, nuzzling my head into her neck. Just for those few moments, I forget about absolutely everything else going on right there and then and I focus on Nana and Nana alone.

"It's going to be okay," I whisper, brushing my hand over her arm as she curls up beside me the same way I did with her. "It has to be," I add as I look up and watch James begin to get involved in the fighting too.

My worst nightmare was coming true...

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