Extras and Notes

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Happy New Yearrr
A gift to you wonderful readers~ EXTRAS
(Also I will go through Camp Cretaceous sometime and fix typos and mistakes, maybe do some editing.... much later heh)

Scenes and stuff I wrote but didn't include in the fanfic, I thought you guys would enjoy reading~


Darius thought the jungle on Isla Nublar was simply incredible. All the books he'd read, all the documentaries he'd seen—none of them had done it justice. He scanned the bushes as they drove through the jungle, hoping to see signs of dinosaurs.

He quickly reached up to rub the Velociraptor tooth necklace his father had given him. Immediately, he felt his dad's presence when he touched the fossil. He smiled.


Tom lay groaning on the couch, his neck mucles sore. He held a tub of ice-cream to it, but it did little to help.

"You sound like you're dying," Yasmina stood over Tom.

"Maybe I am," The boy sat up, making space for the athletic girl to sit besides him. He rubbed his neck, wincing a little bit.

"Did you pull a mucle gawking at all the dinosaurs?"

This prompted a smile out of Tom. "Nahh, pulled it when I was trying hard to keep Jackie and I  from getting squished,"

"Too bad, two less people to annoy me," Yasmina spotted Sammy hiding by the corner of the hallway. The girl gave Yasmina two thumbs up.

Yasmine reluctantly held up her hands, "I used to get sore neck and back muscles when I did swiming and gymnastics. I can help,"

Tom paused a moment, then shook his head. "Neither of us would be comfortable. I'll spare you that," Tom stood to leave. "Thanks though,"


At the docks, Ben gone, Bumpy missing, Jackie frowning at the sunrise (dang those eye bags are really showing on her, I should tell her so)...

Brooklynn--the girly girl--staring at Dar-sorry, I meant the sunrise as well. Probably still not over her now ex-phone.

Kenji--Entitled rich kid--clutching the fanny pack Ben dropped (RIP kid).

Yaz--Mi encantadora girl--leaning on ME

and Sammy--the an angel--(still can't believe the sweetest kid betrayed us but apparently we're past that now)...

Darius ahead of us all--nerd--(usually I'm called the nerd, but he can have that title) probably the only one not bummed out to being left here



"How's your arm?" Darius asked.
The sun had continued to rise, and everyone had retreated to the shade of large umbrellas, laying on their sides and backs. It didn't take long for them to fall asleep; the adrenaline wearing off and the weight of a sleepless night filled with nothing but stress and running, had caught up to them.
"It's just a graze," Brooklynn wrapped her jacket sleeve around her arm, hiding the torn skin and droplets of blood. Luckily it wasn't a serous cut and would heal easily with not too much scarring.
The two sat in silence for a while, watching over the other campers.
Out of the corner of his eye, Darius noticed Brooklynn's head tilt from side to side every once in a while.
"Hey, it's been a long night, you should go rest,"
"Are you sure?" Her sentence was punctuated by a yawn.
"Yeah, I'm sure. I'll keep watch over everyone," Darius nudged Brooklynn's shoulder with his, electing a half lidded tired smile from her.
"Thanks," she said. She stood, and before she walked over to the others, her hand rested on Darius' head, "Don't fall asleep, but if you get tired... don't wake me up,"
The two chuckled.
"Good ni—morning, Darius,"
Darius laughed softly. "Good morning Brooklynn,"
The Pink girl left, going to rest besides Yasmina.

When the Mosasaurus pierced the waters, maw open and ready to snap down on Jackie, Ben swore he'd bitten all his nails down to their beds in that few couple seconds.
Then there was the split second relief when the water dinosaur missed, but everyone saw Jackie's flannel snag or something on the Mosasaurus teeth, and their hearts stopped again when

First day:
-Jackie first wore black tights, and a white sleeveless shirt with a red and white flannel.
-Ben wore a white button up shirt under a green jacket with brown khaki shorts and a fanny pack around his waist.
-Darius wore a yellow jacket over a white shirt and black jeans
-Kenji wore a light pink polo with beige brown khaki shorts.
-Yasmina wore grey tights and a white sports long sleeve shirt.
-Brooklynn wore her pink jacket (open and showcasing a white and pink stripped t-shirt) and white jeans.
-Tom wore a black hoodie with the original Jurassic Park logo on it, with blue and white basketball shorts
-Sammy wore a leather jacket over a black t-shirt, her cowgirl boots and navy blue jeans.

Second day to rest of the season
>Jackie - black sports shorts with green trimmings, white and grey sports tank top with bits of green, and a green and white flannel over.
>Ben - blue button up with khaki shorts, same fanny pack.
>Darius - white shirt, blue jeans
>Kenji - Dark blue long sleeve sports shirt and brown khaki shorts.
>Yasmina - grey sports long sleeve shirt with purple trimmings and matching sport shorts a shade darker than the shirt.
>Brooklynn - pink jacket over an orange shirt, black ripped jeans (made like that)
>Tom - Jurassic Park hoodie over a red t-shirt, and red and white basketball shorts
>Sammy - a floral shirt with navy jeans (worn out and ripped from farm work, not made like that) and her cowboy boots


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