[3] Lab Report

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While Darius and Kenji shoveled dinosaur dung, the other kids rumbled down the road in the 6x4. 

Ben sorted through his fanny pack as Brooklynn stared at her phone, thumbing through a series of videos she'd posted to Brooklynn Unboxes. Under each was a tally that represented the number of views.

Instead of going up, indicating more people were watching, the numbers were going down.

"I'm still dropping followers?" Brooklynn moaned.

"So what's your next video?" Sammy asked. "Oooh, maybe there're baby dino eggs in the lab. Everyone loves a baby video!"

"Whatever it is, it'll be cool," Brooklynn said with confidence that she really wasn't feeling.

Tom spied Yasmina's eye roll. "There's more to life than followers, Brooklynn," 

"Yeah well it's the reason I got here. I don't have fancy connections, like you, to this place," Brook frowned at some of the negative comments she was receiving. 

Tom opened his mouth to retort, but Sammy, fearing an argument, spoke up. "It's barely the second day, give it time and you'll get more followers." Sammy turned her back on Brooklynn and made a 'zip-your-lips' to Tom. 

As Brooklynn fretted over her followers, Ben was getting ready for the big visit. He hummed as he squirted something on his hands, arms, and even the zipper of his fanny pack.

"Sanitizer," Ben said. "Who knows what kind of creepy dino goo is at that lab? You gotta be ready for anything."

"You missed a spot," Jackie joked, pointing to her face, referring to Ben's. 

"Puh-lease, I already applied it to my face this morning. Could barely see what I was eating." Ben misunderstood the joke, which made it all the more funny.

Yasmina barked a laugh. "Is that why you looked like you were crying over your cornflakes? I mean they're good, but not that good,"

Everyone laughed while Ben pouted. He crossed his arms and stuck his nose in the air. "Oh yes, ha, ha, ha. Make fun of the smallest kid here," But the corner of his lips were sticking up.


The 6x4 arrived outside the genetics lab, and the kids got out, along with Roxie and Dave.

"What's good, Brooklanders?" Brooklynn said, filming. "Today, I'm coming to you from one of Jurassic World's coolest remote genetics labs, aka where the dinos are made!" Brooklynn waved the phone around so her followers could see the large industrial building. The lab itself was hidden behind concrete pillars and metal grating, and looked daunting.

"This is a rare window into the Park's inner workings," Roxie said to the kids. "Not just anyone can come h—"

"Doc Wu!" Dave shouted.

A neatly dressed dark-haired man in the lab—Dr. Wu—frowned slightly. He turned to the genetisist beside him, a woman with caramel brown hair tied up, and whispered something in her ear. She glanced up from her clipboard, green eyes staring confusedly at the new group. She shook her head at Wu. 

They both turned to leave. 

Roxie shot Dave a look, then chased after the famed scientist. "Hey, we're here for the tour. Camp Cretaceous? Ms. Dearing should've mentioned—"

"I'm sorry, but Mr. Masrani has accelerated the timetable for our newest exhibit yet again," The woman spoke up. "Unfortunately we don't have time to be tour guides,"

Sammy frowned, while Brooklynn filmed the area. 

Another scientist, an aging woman with a regal-esque hairstyle walked over, handing some papers to Dr. Wu.  "The results of the test we had yesterday," 

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