[7] Indominus Rex

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The trees where the Brachiosaurus had disappeared began to sway.

Something huge and unseen was thundering through the jungle, coming their way. The kids ran to the edge of the tower to get a better look.

At that moment, an enormous dinosaur appeared as if out of thin air.

A moment ago the dinosaur was camouflaged, and once she'd lunged forward, racing through the trees and man-made structures with terrfiying speed, the camouflage had dropped, revealing her scarily white skin. 

The workers who had tried to warn Darius and the kids started to run, but by then, it was already far too late. The carnivorous dinosaur crushed one worker beneath an enormous foot. Then she made a grab for another park employee with her claws.

The kids screamed as the white dinosaur roared and thrashed its tail.

"What. Is. That?" Yasmina gasped.

"Dr. Black--Dr. Wu's lab," Brooklynn said, mind flashing back to the document. "There was a dinosaur. Indom—"

"Indominus rex," Sammy said in a frightened whisper.

"How do you know that name?" Brooklynn asked suspiciously.

"We need to leave," Sammy frantically said. "Now, now, now!"

Looking down at the Indominus rex, the kids were horrified to see the great dinosaur staring up at them.

"It sees us!" Jackie shrieked.

The Indominus rex ran toward the Tower at a full sprint. 

The fear that was installed in the children's hearts was almost overwhelming. The fact that if they don't get away, they will be eaten and not see the sun rise again spiked fear and adrenaline into their bodies.

Ben was not the only one finding it hard to breathe.

With her awful claws, The I-rex scratched at the sides of the Tower as if she was going to climb it. The claws were tearing away chunks of the Tower's foundation, weakening it, and the building began to sway.

Ben nearly went over the side as the Indominus slammed into the Tower again.

Sammy did go over. With incredible speed, Yasmina thrust her hand over the side of the Tower, catching her.

"Hold on!" Darius shouted. He and Tom helped Yasmina pull Sammy back.

The Tower leaned, and the kids tumbled. Thinking as one, the group headed for the zip line.

Kenji snapped a harness on Ben, tight as it would go on the slender boy. 

Below, the Indominus continued to attack the Tower, and the structure leaned even more.

Ben tried to stay on the Tower, but Kenji pushed him off the edge. Ben screamed the entire way down the zip line.

Right behind him were Tom, Sammy, Brooklynn, Jackie and Kenji.

However, before Yasmina could go down, Ben's harness caught and stopped. Everyone plowed into Ben, stuck. 

Everyone started freaking out, swinging back and forth, trying to get moving again. 

"Darius!" Yasmina yelled. She had yet to go, but he hadn't pushed her yet. 

"Wait! I have an idea!" Darius ran to the opposite side, glancing over the edge for just a second, and the I-rex roared at him. Darius jerked back, almost choking on fear, turned, and ran back to Yasmina as she yelled his name again. He leaped off the plateform, into Yasmina's arms, and with his added weight and momentum, the duo raced faster down the zipline. 

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