[5] Herding in Hamster Balls

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"Park personnel are moving a group of dinosaurs to fresh grazing landsacross the island," Roxie said, "and we get to ride along behind the herd."

"Are you kidding me?" Darius said, delighted. He looked at the gyrospheres like they were his birthday presents. "Dinosaur migration patterns are my jam!"

"You may wanna consider a new jam, bro," Kenji whispered. He walked over to a gyrosphere—a large ball-shaped see-through vehicle.

Kenji knocked on it. "So, uh, you sure these things are waterproof? Looking pretty grim out here, and hair this awesome does not come easy."

"Your hair is gonna be fine, Kenji," Dave said. "The storm's already moved up the coast away from us."

"Cool," Kenji said. "Time to show these fools what a gyrosphere can do!"

Before Kenji could enter the gyrosphere, Roxie put a hand on his shoulder. "No way. Knowing you, you'll crash the thing, probably into a pack of Velociraptors. You're riding with Ben. As a passenger."

"Seriously?" Kenji protested, "Why Ben?"

"And because of that, you will definately ride with him,"

"Aw, man,"

"This is gonna be so sick," Yasmina said as she climbed into a gyrosphere. She sat in the driver's seat and took hold of the joystick controls.

"Right?" Sammy said, climbing in next to her.

"Yay," Yasmina said, clearly wanting to be by herself, or anyone else besides the too excited Texas girl.

Having missed her opportunity to ride with Kenji, Jackie made her way to a gyrosphere, eyeing Darius. She wouldn't mind having the Dino Nerd sprouting facts as they drove. However as soon as she took a seat, Tom climbed in.

"I'm driving," He strapped himself, and not waiting to see if Jackie had done the same, closed the gyrosphere's door.

"What the fudge--"

"Everyone! Seat belts at all times!" Dave called out.

Darius watched as the others got into their gyrospheres. Ben and Kenji were together, and Sammy and Yasmina were in another. There was only one gyrosphere left, and Brooklynn was sitting in it, on her phone. Darius frowned. He wished he could have his own gyrosphere.

"Darius, you need to ride with your fellow campers," Dave said.

"Bond. Live the camp life!"

"Yeah, I tried last night, but not everyone was on board," Dariusreplied, looking at Brooklynn.

Dave leaned over and put his hand on Darius's shoulder. His smile waskind, but serious. "Buddy, you can't give up. You just need to get out thereand show the other kids what you've got."

"All righty, campers!"

Darius could hear Dave's voice through the headset he was wearing.

Brooklynn was next to him in the gyrosphere, and her eyes were glued to her phone.

"The headsets are for emergencies," Roxie said over the radio.

"Let the herding begin!" Dave cried.

He barely got the words out before the kids took off in their gyrospheres, leaving the counselors sitting in their 6x4.

Well, most of the kids took off. Ben was still sitting in the gyrosphere with Kenji, lurching forward, then hitting the brakes, then lurching forward, then brakes, and so on.

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