[4] Midnight Happenings

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Ben cooed back to the baby Ankylosaurus, unable to comprehend how something so tiny would end up being so large in a year or more. It had to take a few years to reach that huge size, Ben thought. 

Dr. Black had made him put on gloves, but still alowed him to hold the dinosaur, but the others were forbidden from touching the newly hatched. 

Something about germs and foreign bacteria that would be harmful to the dinosaur.

That didn't stop Jackie, Sammy, Yasmina and Tom from huddling around him and 'awwing'. The Ankylosaurus was obviously enjoying all the attention. 

Dr. Black excused herself, promising to return in a bit, leaving Wu to watch over the campers as Corts was not a good substitute. She continued with her work, but kept throwing narrow-eyed glances at the campers, waiting for them to slip up so she could kick them out as soon as possible. 

It didn't take long for Dr. Black to return, and she brought a surprise back with her.

"Time for you all to leave," Dr. Black said, pulling Brooklynn along with by her bicep. "Found this one hanging around my office,"

Dr. Corts took this as her cue to snatch the Ankylosaurus from Ben, electing a 'hey!' from the boy. "You heard her,"

"Corts! Gentle!" Dr. Wu warned. 

Ben twisted his fingers together, "But what about Bumpy?"

Dr. Wu gently took hold of 'Bumpy' from Dr. Corts and returned it to the nest.

Corts happily answered, when Wu failed to supply an answer, "The asset will soon be released into a herd of Ankylosauruses." Dr. Corts leaned closer to the campers, who backed away to Dave and Roxie, "Then she'll be their problem, just like you all will cease to be my problem."

Roxie and Dave took the hint and herded the kids out of the lab without saying a word.

On his way out, Ben turned to look at Bumpy. The little dinosaur pawed toward his new friend.

Then Dr. Corts slammed the door.


The Carnotaurus was right on their heels. It was similar to a T. rex, though not nearly as large—but totally capable of eating any stray campers that came its way. The dinosaur also had two distinct horns on its head that gave it a bullish look.

"Dude! It's gaining!" Kenji shouted.

Darius stared ahead, focused on one tree. "It's fast," he said, "but not on turns! Zigzag! On my count! One...two..."

Darius sprinted for the tree in the distance as the Carnotaurus followed.

Just as he and Kenji were about to reach the tree—


The boys went hard to the left. Unable to slow down in time, the

Carnotaurus crashed right into the tree.

The boys ran, zigzagging all the way. The now dizzy Carnotaurus resumed the chase but was unsteady on its feet as it tried to keep up with all the sharp, sudden turns.

"Up ahead!" Darius called out, pointing to a metal gate. Kenji saw it and was the first one there,b being the faster one. He jumped into the half-open gate, which was only about the size of a dog door. Somehow, he managed to wriggle and squirm his way through it, and Kenji emerged on the other side.

Behind him, Darius saw the Carnotaurus running for him.

Just as Darius squirmed into the gate, he bumped the side of the crawl space, causing the half-open gate to slam down on his back.

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