[11] Toro's attack 1

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"Attention!" a voice said over the PA. "All park-goers must report to the south ferry dock for immediate evacuation. Last ferry departs in ninety minutes."

"Ninty minutes? That should be enough time," Darius said.

"Ninty minutes? I could make it in 10," Yasmina standing and stretching.

"We know you can," Tom gestured to Jackie sitting on the ground, "But we can't, Jackie especially--she can't even walk,"

"What we should all be worried about is catching a boat out of here, and, naturally, we have a problem," Ben said. He zipped open his fannypack and pulled out one of the kids' placemat maps from the commonroom. Ben flipped the placemat over, revealing a printed map of the island.

"We're here," he said, pointing, "and the docks are on the southern tip of the island. Even if we ran at peak Yaz speed, there's no way we'd make the last boat out."

"You don't know that," Sammy said, hoping he didn't.

"Yes, I do," Ben said. "I memorized the evacuation plan on the ferryride over."

"Okay," Darius said, regrouping. "So we need another way. Can we use those kayaks? Or send the fastest one of us to run and tell the ferry people to wait?"

"I just said we won't make it at peak Yaz speed!"

Darius peered into the sky and flinched as a flash of light caught his eye. Then there was a soft sound—a whooshing noise—and it seemed to becoming closer. Looking at the elevated track above the Mosasaurus lagoon, Darius saw it—the Jurassic World monorail. It could take them all the way to the ferry docks.


After Yasmina bandaged up Jackie's leg (with the medkit Kenji knew would be found under the announcement podium), and gave her two painkillers, the group made their way to the exit of the Mosasaurus lagoon.

But then trouble arrived.

Brooklynn saw him first, shushing everyone and making a frantic "GET DOWN!" motion with her hands.

Darius turned his head, looking below. Toro was by the monorail stairs, sniffing as if he had caught the scent of prey. Darius locked eyes with the group. He whispered, "Move. Fast."

Crouching, the group stayed down below the railing, trying to avoid the Carnotaurus's field of vision.

It was heart pounding, and stressful, dodging and ducking behind crates, walls, and boxes to avoide Toro's line of sight.

They hid behind a low rise wall, just a few meters away from the base of the stairs leading to the monorail station. Once Toro had turned his back, Brooklynn raced across the tarmac to the stairs, then fell to her hands

Kenji had one arm around Jackie's waist, and his other was clutching Jackie's arm drapped over his shoulders. Due to the height differences, and the adrenaline pumping through their veins, Kenji was practically carrying Jackie up the stairs.

The two of them made it to the top of the stairs just as the monorail pulled into the station, and they ducked behind a vendor machine, urging the doors to open.

Ben was next, Darius motioning for him and Bumpy to race up the stairs once Toro was looking elsewhere. Yasmina and Tom were about to go, but a roar from below let the group know that the Carnotaurus had snuffed them out, spotting them.

"RUN!" Darius screamed as the monorail doors finally started slowly sliding open. The rest of the campers sprinted across the platform, for the monorail.

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