[6] Asset out of containment

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"Help!" Brooklynn's panicked voice filled headsets. "Can...ear us? We're stu...udhole...sinking!...elp!"

Snatching the headset's microphone with one hand, Jackie spoke as she drove, "Brooklynn? Brooklynn, can you hear me? What's wrong? Where are you?"

The only answer was more static.

"That doesn't sound good," Tom winced when he turned his head to fast.

"No kidding, here, take the stick," Jackie allowed Tom to take control of the vehicle as she fiddled with the headset, trying to find a better connection.

Tom side eyed her. "Do you even know anything about radios?"

"No," Jackie tossed the headset into his lap, "Why don't you give it a try then, if you think you know better,"

"As a matter of fact I--"

"Look out!"


Having also recieved Brooklynn's cry for help, Sammy tried to contact them again. "We gotta find them!" Sammy said to Yasmina.
"On it!" Yasmina said.
"Brooklynn! Darius!" Sammy called out.

"Guys!" Yasmina hollered. "Can you hear us?"

Having gotten clear of the fallen tree, Yasmina pushed hard to get the gyrosphere to go faster. "Hello? Hello?" Yasmina said into her headset. "Can anybody hear me?"

"Try contacting the others,"

"What do you mean? Everyone should be on this chanel,"

Sammy scanned the area. "They should be easy to spot, where are they?"

"Guys!" Yasmina called again, "Anyone there?"

The two drove just a few more feet forward before a gyrosphere appeared from behind bushes. Both drivers swerved to avoid ramming to the other.

Squashed into one, Jackie, Tom, Ben and Kenji did not look in the least bit excited to be sharing a gyrosphere. The latter two boys were wet and looked miserable, sharing a seat and making their side of the gyrosphere.

Kenji and Ben explained what had happened to their gyrosphere, and how they were almost run over by Jackie and Tom, to the two girls as Jackie kicked Tom out of the cramped sphere machine.

Tom climbed in with Sammy and Yasmina, sharing a seat with the athlet as she was smaller than Sammy.

Moments later, all six kids crammed into two gyrospheres where rumbling through the jungle in search for Darius and Brooklynn.

Amazingly, through his grumbling about almost being road kill, Kenji managed to pick up something from outside. He heard what sounded like screaming—like Darius and Brooklynn.

"I hear them!" Kenji shouted. "They're over there!"


Mud poured in through the hole made by the Sino's horn. Time was running out. Darius threw his shoulder against the hatch, trying to force it open.

"It won't budge," Darius said. "The mud is jamming the doors!"

"Try driving out again!" Brooklynn suggested.

"We'll only sink deeper!" Darius said.

"Then YOU think of something, Mr. 'Let's Go Corner the Dinosaur'!"

Angry, Darius turned to glare at Brooklynn. The gyrosphere shifted and started to sink deeper and faster into the mud, which was closing in all around them. The mud was even covering the top of the gyrosphere. "Are you kidding me?"

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