[14] Left Behind

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It was quiet following the explosion. The kids stared below, watching the smoke rise.

"We did it! We beat—" Kenji started,

"No—look!" Jackie cut him off, pointing below.

They heard shifting rubble as a shadowy shape began to rise from the smoke.

It was Toro.
Burned. Bruised. Battered.

But the kids weren't afraid. If this was the end, so be it. They would go down fighting. Each kid stood tall, puffing out their chests, faces twisted into a look of defiance.

Maybe the Carnotaurus could sense this? Because instead of attacking, the wounded creature looked up at the kids, then turned away. Toro limped back down the tunnel from which he had come.

"It doesn't get better than that," Darius said, smiling.

"Wanna bet?" Yasmina said with an enormous grin plastered across her face. She pointed at the wall—the explosion had torn a ragged hole through it.

They scrambled into the sunlight and raced toward the docks. They still had a ways to go, but hope kept them going. Soon, the docks came into view, and... they were empty.

They had missed the last ferry.

"They'll be back for us, won't they?" Sammy asked as they stared out over the water.

"Of course they will," Darius said reassuringly. "And until then... we've got each other."

The kids stood together on the dock, watching as the sun came up over the horizon. Brooklynn hugged Sammy, Jackie and Yasmina supporting each other as Kenji punched Darius playfully on the arm, and Tom put his arm around Darius.


Darius thought back to the story he was trying to tell the other kids, back at the camp, back before everything fell apart.

"We thought it'd be fun," Darius thought to himself, sitting down. It seemed like ages since he had been off his feet. "We thought we'd be safe. But we didn't realize the horror waiting for us on the island. Claws...teeth...screaming.

So much screaming. But we'll keep fighting. That's the promise we make every day we get. That despite all the hardships, you never give up. We will survive. We will get home. Because no matter what happens...no matter what this place throws at us next...none of us are in this alone."


Author: And here we have the last chapter, short but sweet. I hope you enjoyed the first season, the small changes and such. Season 2 may not be out for a long time, because someone already requested a book 2 to the Jurassic Park 1 fanfic (published and completed) and so I'll be working on that, as well as the Ninjago Fanfic (second chapter coming out in January) and the Maze Runner fanfic (first chapter scheduled for Christmas dayy).
Enjoy your week, have a good time and listen to the trees.

(Again, sorry if the format is weird, still working on my phone 😭)

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