[8] Close Encounters

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Yaz?" Sammy said quietly. "There's something I—"

But before she could confess to Yasmina, she saw the other girl had frozen in her tracks, along with the other kids.

Right in front of them was a shattered gyrosphere. There were giant footprints surrounding the gyrosphere, and clawed, torn-up earth. There were even remains of an unfortunate Ankylosaurus.

"The Indominus rex was here," Brooklynn whispered.

The plants behind them rustled. The kids tensed, and a shadowy figure leaped out at them a moment later. Everyone screamed, jumping back, soma falling over themselves. The dinosaur moved back, too. It was moaning loudly, but it wasn't the Indominus rex.

"Bumpy!" Ben exclaimed.

The dinosaur, now much bigger than the last time they had seen her, mewed at the sight of Ben. The dinosaur ran over to the boy, and Ben engulfed the tiny dinosaur in a hug.

"As fun as this reunion is, shouldn't we keep moving south?" Kenji said.

Jackie shook her head. "I'm not spending another hour walking through the jungle hoping that we don't run into that Indominus, its too. We need a new plan." 

"Okay...so, uh...we need to find somewhere safe close by," Darius said, thinking on his feet. "Isn't the field genetics lab near here? You guys went on the tour. Does this area look familiar?"

Sammy looked around, then pointed in a different direction. "Yeah! Yeah, I think it might be over that way!"

"Great!" Darius said with a deep sigh. "That's where we should go. There's bound to be an adult there who can help....Right?" 

No one said anything. Not because they didn't have anything to say. But because a dinosaur answered first with a terrifying roar.

Everyone was flat-out sprinting toward the genetics lab. Everyone except...

"Wait! Guys! Where's Ben?" Darius called out.

He squinted and saw that Ben...and Bumpy were way, way behind.

"We don't have time for this," Yasmina said. "There are dinosaurs eating people out here, and Bumpy can't keep up!"

Frustrated, Ben threw up his arms. "Then, then..." He stopped talking as he saw something in the distance. "We'll put her in the van!"

"What van?" Tom asked.

They turned around as Ben pointed at a van ahead of them.

"It's an ACU transport!" Kenji said, pulling open the van door. "Asset Containment Unit. Got the tour of their HQ—super hard-core dino-trapping security dudes."

"Then where are they?" Darius said, looking around.

"Is that a tablet?" Brooklynn said as she shoved Kenji aside and jumped into the passenger seat. There was an ACU tablet sitting on it, and Brooklynn wasted no time in grabbing it and turning it on, swiping her finger on the screen.

Tom looked in and found a radio that had been left on the backseat.

He picked it up, fiddled with a knob, and turned it to Channel Six. "Dave, Roxie! Can you hear us?"

But there was only static on the radio.

Before he could try again, the ACU tablet let out a loud 'beep' sound, catching everyone's attention. The kids gathered around Brooklynn as she swiped the screen.

"There's a map program running with little moving dots on it," she said.

"They chip all the dinosaurs electronically to track them, see?" Darius said, pointing at the screen. "There's us, and there's—" Darius tapped one of the dots that was far from them on the map. An ID popped up that said BRACHIOSAURUS.

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