[9] Helicopter crash

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Eddie screamed and Yasmina dove for the ground hard as the fearsome dinosaur kicked the van with a clawed foot. The vehicle spun around in acircle. As soon as it came to a stop, Eddie jumped from it and ran. Sensing fear and an easy kill, the Indominus charged after him.

Deciding quickly that it was better to be anywhere the Indominus wasn't, the kids and Bumpy took off in the opposite direction, running into the jungle.

As they fled, they could hear the horrible growls and roars of the Indominus. Eddie's screams filled their ears. They kept on running until they came to a huge cable fence. If they could get past it, they could keep running through the jungle. But the fench was too high to climb.

"Perfect," Tom said with a heavy dose of sarcasm. "The Park's only intact fence!"

The kids hugged the side of a large tree as they looked around. There were piles of old, rusted metal barrels and a large metal container that had been used a long time ago.

There was another loud roar from the Indominus. 

Eddie's screams could no longer be heard.

This fact sent a large spike of fear and shiver down the spines of the kids.

Everyone looked toward the abandoned van and saw the Indominus raise her head. Hanging from one of its teeth was Eddie's birthday hat. It fell to the ground, and the Indominus stepped on it.

The dinosaur came closer to the kids, moving slowly. Bumpy got between them and started braying.

"Shhhhh!" Ben said, trying to keep her quiet.

What are we gonna do? Jackie thought. She glanced around quickly and saw boulders, trees, the metal barrels... the metal barrels. 

Jackie shook her head and put a finger to her lips, indicating for everyone to be quiet. Ben covered Bumpy's mouth. 

Jackie motioned for them to follow. They looked scared, but followed her. Everyone hid behind the metal barrels as the Indominus rex lumbered their way. 

Jackie had gambled everything on the world's most dangerous game of hide-and-seek. And she was praying that they were lucky enough to win...and live.

The massive dinosaur cocked its head, listening, trying to find its prey. Jackie peeked out from behind the barrel to see where the Indominus might be. She was right in front of her.

The dinosaur roared. Releasing a loud gasp, she ducked back and bolted.

The Indominus whipped around the corner, trying to catch Jackie, but she was no longer there. The kids had moved on, slipping around the side of the shipping container. But Ben, Sammy and Kenji were missing. Jackie frantically looked around, trying to spot any sign of them. She saw them at last, stuck behind one of the big boulders.

Have help them get over here, Jackie thought. Before she could do anything, beside her Darius picked up a rock, ran to the opposite end of the shipping container, and threw it. The rock landed and made enough noise to lure the Indominus away. Sammy, Ben and Kenji ran took that moment to run.

Just when things were going fine, Brooklynn dropped the tablet. It landed with a clatter. The Indominus jerked its head back to them. With a half roar, half growl, the dinosaur was now heading right for them.

Brooklynn felt paralyzed with fear, sure this was the end, until Yasmina yanked her behind a tree. The Indominus was drawing closer...and closer...her fangs only inches away from them. 

Then Indominus whipped its head around and headed in the direction of a nearby sound. It was Jackie who'd let out a yell, distracting the Indominus just long enough for the kids to make a break for cover. The two girls sprinted across the way to join the others behind a pile of metal barrels. 

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