[13] Toro's attack 2

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Jackie could hear her heart hammering in her rib cage, louder than anything she'd heard before.

The kids had thrown themselves against the sides of the tunnels and weren't making a sound. They watched in silent terror as the shadow grew closer, hair rising, skin tingling with fear.

It was a dinosaur, all right. A turkey-sized Compsognathus.

Suddenly, shoulders eased, and everyone relaxed, releasing breaths they'd been holding.

"It's like a foot tall!" Brooklynn said, giggling.

"And, uh, not alone," Yasmina said. She pointed behind the Compy as another Compsognathus appeared. Then another. And another. Soon, a group of tiny dinosaurs had assembled.

"We need to go," Darius spoke up. "In a group, Compys can—"

"Not really the time for a lesson, Dino Nerd!" Kenji said sharply.

"Why not?" Brooklynn said. "It's not like you've gotten us anywhere even close to the dock, Mr. VIP!"

"Hey! Now's really not the time to fight—," Jackie said

"Oh, I'm sorry," Kenji countered Brooklynn, ignoring Jackie. "Don't you have some sort of 'Unboxing Being a Brat All the Time' video to be shooting?"

"Hey!" Sammy shouted. "Y'all calm yourselves. You're scaring the itty-bitty Compy family."

"GUYS!" Darius screamed. "Just stop!"

Everyone looked over to see the Compys all frozen in place, unmoving. The tiny dinosaurs looked back at the tunnel from where they'd emerged, then took off running in the other direction.

There was a loud roar coming from the tunnel now, and as the lights flickered, the kids could see the shape of a large dinosaur coming for them.

"Toro!" Darius shouted.

Kenji looked at the stun spear in his hands, then tossed it to Yasmina.

Then he sprinted down another tunnel.

"Now you know which way to go?" Brooklynn said in mock amazement.


Toro took off down the tunnel, chasing after the kids. He was far behind, but slowly catching up as Yasmina and Jackie slowed the group down a little. As the campers rounded a corner, so, too, did the Carnotaurus. But he couldn't take the corners as fast as they could. The huge dinosaur slammed into a tunnel wall, momentarily dazed.
It paused when it didn't see any prey, glancing from side to side. The creature let out a growl, then stalked down the tunnel, still searching for his prey as he passed by a grate on the wall.

"We can't stay here!" Sammy whispered from inside the grate. "The ferry—"

Tom shushed her.

Yasmina turned her head and nudged Darius. There was a metal plate against the back of the vent wall.

She wedged the tip of the stun spear between the wall and the plate. With effort, she and Darius were able to use it as a lever and finally pry open the grate. Inside was a small opening. It wasn't very big...but maybe it would be big enough for one kid to fit through at a time.

Darius was about to get everyone's attention when, suddenly, Toro's head smashed through the outside vent.

"Go-go-go!" Darius shouted over the screaming of the kids. Grabbing the stun spear from Yasmina, Darius watched the other kids go down the small opening while he jabbed at the Carnotaurus.

With the others safely inside, Darius thrust the stun spear at Toro again, this time striking him right in the large, painful-looking gash that he had received in their first encounter. The dinosaur reared back, roaring in pain as Darius got away.

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