[12] Falling

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"Ben!" Darius shouted out the hatch. "Ben, what are you doing?"

He reached his hand out, but Ben refused. "I can do this! Just distract them!"

Ben turned and saw a Pteranodon flying right in his direction.


Darius ducked back into the car. "Come on! We have to keep them away from Ben!"

The kids took off to different windows of the monorail, each person armed with an emergency flashlight they had grabbed from the monorail cars.

They started waving the flashlights out the windows, the bright lights distracting the Pteranodon bearing down on Ben.

The creature suddenly changed course, no longer going after Ben.

It was coming after them.


Atop the monorail, Ben wobbled, unsteady. The wind whipped at him, and he struggled to hang on. He crawled ahead, slowly making his way toward the control car hatch.

Closing his eyes, Ben took a deep, long breath.

"I can do this," he said to himself. "I can do this!"

Inching closer and closer along the roof of the monorail, Ben at last reached the hatch. He pushed hard on the latch, and it opened with a loud POP.

He drew himself toward the hatch and jumped inside the control car.

The control panel was completely confusing, row upon row of lights and buttons. Ben had no idea what was connected to what or what did what or anything.

The only thing he understood was a photograph of a younger Kenji that had been attached to the dashboard with the words BANNED FROM MONORAIL TOURS written beneath it.

Ben started to randomly press buttons. He could hear the Pteranodons outside, slamming into the monorail's back cars. His blood pressure started to rise with each second the monorail car flew closer, and closer, and closer to the broken one.

A crash was imminent unless he did something now.

Then he put his hand on a lever and pulled it. Suddenly, the monorail veered to the left, switching over to a new track.

The monorail shook as the rear car clipped the stopped train and flew off the tracks. Ben looked out the window as he heard an explosion below.

The boy could no longer hear the Pteranodons outside—they must have been distracted by the explosion.

Behind him, the other kids started hammering on the window and chanting, "BEN! BEN! BEN!"

Face split in two grinning, Ben pressed the button opening the door between the control car and the one behind it.

"You saved us, Ben!" Darius said proudly. "I didn't know you had it in—"

Before Darius could finish his sentence, a Pteranodon smashed through the window of the control car. One moment Ben was there, the next the boy was gone. The flying dinosaur tried to dragged Ben out of the car.

Not having a good hold on the boy, the Pteranodon just managed with pushing Ben out the window.

He was now dangling precariously out of the monorail, glass prickling his hand where he gripped the floor.

Wind whipped through his hair and clothes, threatening to tear him away. The monorail hit a patch of bad tracks, and Ben's hand was dislodged--

"Ben!" Darius was there then, grabbing Ben's wrist with both his hands.

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