[10] River Ride

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"Jurassic World River Adventurers!"

Ben nearly jumped out of his skin at the voice that came over the loudspeakers.

"Prepare yourselves for the wonder of the underground river!" It was just the pre-recorded voice of a park announcer

"Guys, we can still make it to the Park. Everyone, grab a kayak!" Darius said, relieved.

The park announcer went over the various safety procedures as Darius and his friends grabbed life jackets and paddles. 

"I'm with Jackie!" Yasmina spoke quickly, grabbing said girl's arm and pulling her along into a kayak.

Sammy, glanced dishearted after the two girls. "Come on, Sammy, let's get out of here," he said. She went with him and jumped into his kayak.

"Brooklynn and I call the CKK!" Kenji called out, flicking a pair of sunglasses on.


"The Cool Kids Kayak," Kenji handed Brooklynn a life jacket and climbed in front of the kayak. "Captain at the helm~," He took the seat in front.

Being the last two kids, Tom helped Ben and Bumpy into the Kayak. The ankylosaur was about the size of a domestic cat, and very much afraid of water. They were the last to get on a kayak and paddle after the other three boats.

As they paddled into the dark cavern, Ben was about to call out that they should have brought brought lights with, and was thinking of suggesting they turn back, when a soft glow slowly spread through the underwater river cave. 

"WHoaaa" A chorus of wows filled the cavernous area, echoing it softly back at the kids. 

It was looking into another world. The stone walls and roof was bathed in colourful lights that drifted along the rocky formations, playing off the water. Gentle parasaurolophuses glowed lifted their heads out of the water, seeming to just spawn right there, glowing in vivid greens and blues. Jackie remarked how their colours were a result of the dinosaurs grazing on the abundant bioluminescent plants growing throught the cave. 

The sight was so breath taking the kids were barely paddling, drifting ever so slowly down the river. A moment of calm and a short break from the constant stress, fear and running. Four kayak boats were spread far enough from each other that they could have a conversation without another boat overhearing. 

Brooklynn couldn't hold back anymore. "We're here because of her!" She whisper yelled. She was still stewing about her phone and Sammy. 

"Orrr maybe something else would have happened and we would still be stuck here," Kenji offered. Brooklynn blinked and stared at Kenji. She hadn't thought of that. "Or something else would have happened and we would be stuck in a different situation,"

Brooklynn was silent as she thought of this. This kind of stuff she expected from Darius, or anyone else but Kenji.

"Look, I...I know you're mad at Sammy," Kenji said. "But getting mad doesn't get us out of here. It just...makes more people mad, you know? Put yourself in her shoes. At this point, is there anything you could say that would make Sammy feel worse than she already does?" 

Brooklynn was quiet. She leaned a little to the side to see around Kenji at the kayak furtherest ahead; Jackie and Yasmina.

"You okay?" Jackie quietly spoke up. She could feel the tension pouring out of the athlete in front of her. 

"I'm fine!" Yasmina snapped back immediately. Visibly taken back, Jackie sunk down a bit in her seat, fingers dipping into the cool water. Yasmina's shoulders lowered a little bit, and she paused in her paddling.  "I'm... sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that,"

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