xvii: rebellion

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" i won't condone her to this life. "

" i believe a bargain was struck

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" i believe a bargain was struck.
you're family paid off. "

"SO THIS WAS THE BIG PLAN, HUH?" ANTON DREYKOV SNEERED IN NATASHA'S DIRECTION, HIS DARK EYES ABLAZE WITH FURY – ALBEIT CURIOSITY. "Melina was going to land the Red Room and then hand me over to the authorities?"

An alarm goes off from the large panel at the man's desk. The adjacent button starts to flicker red as well as Natasha's family starts to reek havoc inside the facility. A few other seconds begin to cry out too, leading the woman to think that they were at least making some headway in the plan. She let a small grin show on her features for a moment before dropping it as Dreykov turned to her.

"No, no, no." Her abuser muttered to himself as he checked to see the damage done to his security. He pressed a large red button on the dashboard before going back to greet Natasha with a proud smile.

"So, what now, you're gonna fold me and my child into your pathetic puppeteer act?" Natasha asked with venom lacing her tone. Perhaps it was shameful and idiotic to admit the truth to Dreykov. He already knew of her condition though so really how much damage could she do?

"So you admit it?" Dreykov replied with awe in his voice, his eyes dropping parallel to her abdomen as if searching for proof. "Captain America does have a weakness after all and you, my dear, have outdone yourself."

"Thank you for giving me such a wondrous feat of science; a reproductive phenomena. Your and the captain's child will make history. It's just too bad you won't be around to see it."

"You truly are a pathetic excuse for a human being." Natasha Romanoff seethed as she pulled her hand's into tight fists. Blood smeared over her palms as she dug her nails into the tender skin, but she couldn't find it in herself to care. All she could see was red. All she could feel was a burning heat spreading over her figure, drawing out the coldness of grief. Her heartbeat thudded in her chest with the power of 100 elephants.

"Pathetic, huh?" The man mimicked while turning towards his large control panel and monitor. Natasha followed him with her narrowed, green eyes.

"Yeah, what would you call it?" The woman asked with true sincerity. She was just dying to hear what terrible excuse this man could come up with the defend his atrocious behavior.

"I would call it-" Dreykov recited before his charge rudely interrupted him with the intention of setting him off.

"When was the last time you had a conversation with somebody that wasn't forced to talk to you?" Natasha jabbed as she crossed her arms around her chest for a moment to emphasize her point. It was easier to feign her strength with abrasive language. She hoped by doing so, it would keep Dreykov from finding out what was actually going on.

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