Chapter 10 |

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It was 7 am when my alarm went off .

I woke up early today because I decided to look decent for someone I haven't seen in so long .

I missed Paxton so much I really did , but I'm so nervous to see him again after so long .

I stripped out my clothes and got into the shower , I was in there for about an hour or so because it's where I like to think .

I got out the shower and blow dried my hair , after that I decide to go take a small little nap .

I woke up around 12:00 in the afternoon , and I decided to text you since you wanted to meet up . I immediately got a text back .

A - Hey ?
P - Baby ! ❤️ Jesus fuck I miss you so much . Meet me at the park at 2:30 ?
A - I miss you too ❤️ and alright .

I went down stairs to go have breakfast / lunch at the same time .

I went back up stairs after finished eating and went and checked all my social media .

It was 1:50 and I didn't even realize that because I was too busy on my phone .

I went into the bathroom brushed my teeth , and put a little bit of make up on . Some foundation , eyeliner and mascara .

I headed into my closet and decide to wear a long white sleeve shirt with flowers on it , along with some black ripped skinny and my black van . I decide to just put my hair up since I didn't wanna straighten it .

It was already 2:20 when I was finished getting ready .

* sigh * .. " i'm not ready for this "

i grabbed my keys and headed out the door .

i got into my car and headed off to meet Paxton

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