" Shay will you be my girlfriend ? I can't keep hiding my feelings for you . " he said looking at me smiling
I didn't know what to say I was in shock but I was happy at the same time
" of course I will ! " I said hugging him tightly
He kissed me on my cheek and I blushed
" So we a thing now " he said locking his hands into mine
Shit , we holding hands ..
" we are " I said smiling
After what seemed like a long day
I went back home
I texted Aniecea and told her everything
But she must be with Chandler right now so maybe that why she didn't reply to me
Anyways I was really happy
Later that night :
S: Heey babe . ❤️
He's so cute I swear
Shay:Heyy 😍
S: I had fun w/ you today . 😏
Shay: same . 😘
S:well , goodnight baby . I'll text you in the morning , sweet dreams 😏😘He's so sweet . I'm so lucky , I swear ..
I got in the shower , and brushed my teeth then put some pjs on
I stayed up watching movies on Netflix
Eventually I ended up going into sleep