Chapter 13: Things A Boy Has To Do.

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Silas' point of view.

I can only see Mr. Blackbourne pacing back and forth after Kota finishes telling us the fight he had with Sang last night.
Let me repeat this: Mr. Blackbourne. I'm scared for us, because...
Another fight with her is the last thing we need.
Aggele mou.
"I don't know" Mr. B stops and says, looking at us.
"Oy! What do you mean you don't know? You always fucking know everything!"
He doesn't even scolds Gabe for his 'inappropiated language".
I'm speechlees.
"Owen?" Dr.Green says, the fear in his voice.
Even I, who am the quiet one, want to scream.
"I... I'm not sure how to get her back. Not with all those fights and those boys... We are in need of  miracle"
We burst out with plans. Plans that'll never work, plans we cannot keep. But we do anyway, because we are that broken.
I just hope she can fix us back one day.

Sang's point of view.

I lie here in bed, hiding my face in the pillow and evoiding people outside this house.
Something horrible has happened this morning. Something...
I'm dying.
I'm in pain.
I'm in my period.
I roll to the other side and hugh the pillow, complaining out loud to the ait. To no one. It was better before, when I changed from feeling nothing with my period to feel my legs were going to fall out of my body: The boys magically knew, so they would bring me Ice Cream and chocolats, and North would never say anything about it. They showered with kisses and hughs, and never complained when I replayed The Last Song over and over. They even would keep quiet and loving when I cried in the movie when the dad dies.
Those were the times.
I'm so stupid! I should have never let them go! I want kisses and hugs and Ice Cream!
I start to cry. Call me crazy, but now I lose it. It was easy before, because I never even noticed I had my period until I saw the blood. Now I know hours before that happens because my legs starts to feel tight... Like when the nurses check on your cardiacal rythm and it gets painfully tight with every passing second.
I feel like that.
I don't want to admit it, but I'm that girl: The cliché one, the moody, the teary, the needy, hungry and touchy.
I can't help it.
I would go for ice cream myself to try to ease the pain, but my legs aren't working the way they should.
I hear a knock on my bedroom door. Startled, I turn to find Kota.
"Sang?" He looks alarmed " Why are you crying? Is everything fine?"
I don't even ask why he's here. I don't even care.
I shake my head.
"I got my period!" I cry.
Kota stares at me for a couple of seconds, then sits in the bed in front of me, smiling.
"Oh, Sang"
"Why are you smiling? I'm in pain, Kota!"
"I'm sorry, beautiful girl. Do you want me to bring you ice cream?"
I nodd.
"Yes, please. And doughnuts. And chocoflan. And The Fault In Our Stars, the movie..."
I keep listing all the items required  for my pain, and all my sweet Kota does is smile.

Kota's point of view.

*group chat*
Kota: I found it.
Gabriel: The what?
North: ?
Kota: How to get Sang back!
Mr. Blackbourne: Explain, Mr. Lee.
Kota: Sang is in her days of the month!
Gabriel: What the hell, dude?
Silas: I don't see how that's good, Kota.
Victor: Is princess in pain?
Dr.Green: What's this about Sang? Why are we talking about this? Does she need pills?
North: Weird shit happening.
Kota: Don't you remember how she gets when she's in her period?
Then, silence. The phone stops buzzing and it's how I know the information is sinking in.
Because Sang gets touchy and sensible. Needy. Of us.
And we love it. (Except for the pain she goes through and the moody changes)

Gabriel: That is genious!
Nathan: One goes to the bathroom for five second and gets attacked with messages. Are we taking advantage of Sang's physical pain?
Dr.Green: Got a better idea to get her back?
Nathan: That's why I say we should take advantage.
Silas: If she finds out we used her pain...
Victor: I don't see this getting worse.
Nathan: What if she does?
Luke: In love and war everything counts.
Dr.Green: I can skip work in a couple of hours. Movie in her house? Owen?
For a couple of minutes, we don't hear anything from him. Until we do.
Mr. Blackbourne: Let's do this.

Owen's point of view:

I stare at the phone for minutes before saying yes. I keep thinking about that even when I knew from the second Mr. Lee introduced us that oportunity I was going to agree.
  I would say yes to anything for Sang.
I don't know how we lost her. I've gone this road before, a thousand times already. Trying to figure out how I never noticed the crack in our family. Until it had enough and broke down, taking us with it. With her.
  Seans keeps saying it's not my fault, but it feels like that. It does. It's my family. They're all I have. She's the only girl I will ever love my entire life and I couldn't be more thankful.
If you let us in again, Sang, I will love you better.
I haven't been entirely good to her. I punish myself for that. I keep pushing issues above her like missions and wether I decide  to tell her or not she has another family. I keep not smiling to her enough, not touching her enough, being just not enough.
It's funny in a kind of twisted way how all that comes to me when it's all over and gone. When she doesn't even want to see our faces.
The Owen of years ago would have understood the meaning of space. He would have respected it. He would have let go. Before, when he had barely met the skinny and broken girl who never got to learn how to play violin. The girl who was there, but he was way too bussy writing work reports and things as such.
I dissapoint myself. I wish I could go back and tell him to define what's important. Sang is important.
The thing is, I do not known if he would have listen. I don't know if being able to go back could change a thing.
It makes me angry. He makes me angry. I make me angry.
But I promise. I'll be better for her. I' ll call her just to tell her I love her, to say goodnight, or just to hear her breathe. I'll make to her in every chance I can, I would make her feel my love.
I'll be damned if Jonathan Novak takes her from my side without a fight. A bloody one. Metaphorically speaking. Or not.
No. That would upset her. I do not want to do anything to upset her. Never.
  I get into Wal-mart, looking for the junk food and movies she likes to watch when she's in bed, bended for the pain.
Hold on, love. Wait for me.
While I fill the basket, I can't help but thinking about doing the same thing but for my daughter. A little Sang with beautiful big green eyes.
I smile widely. We'll have to talk and plan this as a family, but I want it in a future. I want kids. Tons of kids running around. Happy. Free. I'd be caring  and loving, and better. For them. For me. Sang.
  I know that now.

Sang's point of view.

When I wake up, the smell of something in the kitchen make me finally stand from the bed. I walk downstairs to see Kota struggling with the pan, with a concentrated look in his eyes. He looks so cute I want to eat him.
"You're awake" He says, noticing me.
"Yeah. I don't even know when I fell asleep".
He smiles at me.
"I tried to do... well, something. I'm sorry. I'm not particully good at this" He blushes.
"Kota. We need to talk".
He closes his eyes, saying nothing. If he hadn't, I would have thought he hadn't hear me.
"North is on his way here. He'll prepare you someyhin good. I need to run to the store to buy something. Your refrigerator is not full"
"I better go now"
He stands still, looking at my barefoot feet. I see a pained expression in his face.
"I'm sorry" I say.
He looks up at me right away.
"For exploding about the whole claimin me. I was thinking about it and I come to realise that if some random girl came and said she'd have you, taking you away from me, I wouldn't have just claimed you. I would have gotten her eyes out".
  I can see his eyes wide open.
"Does that mean...?"
I shake my head.
"I'm still mad at you for the Novaks, but..."
"But keeping you away is hurting more than anything. Is making me insane. Torture. And I... I don't  think it will be like it was before. I still need space. But maybe we can be friends?"

Kota's point of view.

And that's our real miracle. All we'd ever need.

Posting at almost 12 at night. Call me wild. XD
Nah. I'm just going to USA tomorrow and I won't have internet, so I just finished and posted it now. Hope you enjoy :D

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