Epilogue: Dear Sang.

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Dear sixteen year old Sang:

I'm happy. I don't mean now, while I write you this letter, but in general. I feel so lucky. I know it's hard for you to believe that, but I am. We are.

Sometimes, I see shadows of you in me. I let you behind a long time a go , and now, looking back, I can barely recognize you. But that's good. You don't have to worry anymore.

I married all of them, at the end, after learning how imperfect all of us can be, after the hard times. And I? I wasn't the only one who evolved into a different person, but all of them with time. After all, it's been almost ten years since you. I've been lucky enough to fall in love with different versions of them, in different moments of my life.

  I know it's hard for you now, having that step mother and dad and Marie... Well, things won't be easy all the time, darling. Even now. I had a friend a long time a go, named Derek. I prayed for him to come back to me, to us, to family, but I never got to see him ever again.

I'm not telling you this to scare you. I'm here to tell you that the heartache will soon be over and I'm asking you to hold on, but I'm also telling you that things will get hard and you have to be brave. It's a little bit unknown for you know, but you will learn about it, I promise. Just be strong. Hold on tight, because at the end, they are our mirrors: We find ourselves in them, because when we looked at them, we see and feel the love they have towards us.

  As I said before, I don't recognize you now. We are so different, and thinking that once we were the same is hard. But I hope you are proud of me and I also want to let you know that I will never forget you.

  I think you are.

And I think you know.


Leight Anne.

Hi, guys. Thanks for everything. It's been... such a journey.


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