Chapter 7: Flip-flops.

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Kota's point of view.

Max paces back and forth in my room. It's been like this for a couple of days now, since Sang left. He senses there's something wrong.

"Max, get out"

But he doesn't.

Mom comes into my bedroom, looking worried. "Are you planning in getting out of this room?"

"Eventually" I answer.

She sights. "Some boys are here to see you"

I nod. I know I've been irresponsible for not keeping up with them. Something bad could've happend and I would never know.

North, Luke, Victor and Nathan come into my room. Max licks Luke in the cheek, but when he doesn't play with him as he always does, he leaves the room.

"Hey" I say.

North's answer is coming to me and punching me in the arm.


"You deserve it"

"I guess I do. I'm sorry. I've been acting with irresponsability ".

North doean't look happy, but still, he sits next to me in the bed.

"We have a plan" Nathan says.

"A good one"Luke adds.

I arch an eyebrow.

"For what?"

"To get Sang back!" Victor gets in the conversation.

"Guys. Sang asked for space"

"We know" Luke smiles. For a moment, it's like having him back "But we'll make it work just fine. We need to call a family meeting".

Mr. Blackbourn will not agree on this plan, but I still call him.

"Mr. Lee?"

"Mr. Blackbourne. Some of the guys are here. They're asking for a family meeting"

" We'll be there in a minute. Are all of your brothers there with you?"

"No. We are missing Gabriel and Silas"

"Since no on has a car, one of you will have to pick them up"

"I will".

"Very well"

He hangs up.

When Gabriel comes out his house next to Silas, my mouth drops open.

"Oh, God" I whisper to myself.

Gabriel growls something and gets in the car. I look at Silas, but he shakes his head, telling me to drop it.

  Gabriel wears sweatpants and flip- flops. That is by far not the worst: the tips of his hair is pointing to every single direction and it looks like it hasn't been washed in days. Besides, he's not bitching on what we wear. And Silas, who looks lost and sad. Gone.

  Something really wrong it's happening.


When we walk into my house, the boys almost choke.

"The fuck?" Says a startled North.

"Bro... Is that a pizza stain in your...? I cannot call that a shirt. What happened to you? If Cupcake sees you like this..."

He growls.

"I tried to make him shower" Silas shrugs.

"Oy! Stop the shit. Why are we having a family meeting?"

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