Chapter 21: Ways Of Love.

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My ears are buzzing. I can't take my eyes off Tamara's. I feel like they drag me to them, because we both know it's the end. It's over.

Tamara falls, and the gun does too. It makes a loud noise when it hits the ground and I cry out. Was it me? Did I shot it? Or she did?

I don't know. I don't know.

Tamara holds her hand against her stomach, but it doesn't matter, because the blood is coming out.

And I don't know why I'm so disturbed. She kidnapped me, after all, but there is this feeling in my chest... Am I a murderer?


She doesn't answer. Blood runs from her mouth down to her ears, and I know she's watching me. And as I stare into her eyes, I see something slowly changing. They get colder, quieter.

She's gone now.

I close my eyes, but I can't stop seeing her. And Derek, who wasn't mad at her, but dissapointed. He loved her, after all. He worshipped her.

I think I did it. I think it was me. But I don't know. It may have not been me as well.

I don't know how long I stay there. My body freezes and I can't move.

I. Can't. Move.


I turn to see Luke looking at me. And I see them: Lots of boys coming at me, at a dead body of someone who once was a sister. Someone who once was good.

Where did it go wrong?

Hands are touching me, but the only thing I can see is Derek approaching to his dead sister and fall on his knees, because I was lying: He loves her more than anything. But love it's not the way you heard it from your parents at nights when they told you stories about beautiful princess who fell in love with the prince and lived happily ever after. Love can be tracherous and twisted and ugly.

 Love is... For some of us, love is the end. For Derek it's the end.

I can't hear him cry: My ears feel like they're filled with cotton. I'm numb and in blank, so I can't hear him cry. And somehow, I'm thankful, because I know those are the sounds that won't let me sleep at nights.

"Sang Baby, come to us. Please" I hear at the distance, while a hand takes my chin and makes me look away to North's face.

Where did we go wrong? Can I come back? Can we go back on tracks?

Can we?

I feel kisses in my head and my cheeks. It feels like the softness of Victor. Owen is in front of me, talking to me, but I can't hear a single thing he's saying. Everything is silence. Everything is empty.

Silas' arms lift me up and he carries me out the storage, where there's an ambulance waiting. Sean runs behind us and when Silas sits me in the ambulance next to me, Seans takes over and starts checking me out. He talks to me, but I'm still somewhere else. Not here. Defenitely not here.

Behind him, I se Kota and Nathan pacing back and forth, worried sick expression in their faces.

Everything is so blurry.

"Trouble!" I hear, out of sudden. When I turn, Gabriel's next to me, his nose close to mine "Trouble, I love you. Please say something"

"I love you too" I say, but my voice feels weird. I'm still so thirsty, and it shouldn't matter now, but my throat hurts.

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