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"I don't understand." Ultron complains. "Don't compare me with Stark! It's a thing with me. Stark is... He's a sickness!"

"Ah, Junior." Tony teases. "You're gonna break your old mans heart."

"If I have to." Ultron turns to us.

"Nobody has to break anything." Thor warns.

"Clearly, you've never made an omelette."

"He beat me by one second." Tony sighs.

"Ah, yes." Pietro starts forward. "He's funny. Mr. Stark. It's what? Comfortable? Like old times?"

"This was never my life."

"You two can still walk away from this." Steve suggests.

"Oh, we will." Wanda nods.

"I know you've suffered-"

"Captain America." Ultron chuckles. "Gods righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth but..."

"If you believe in piece, let us keep it." Thor hopes.

"I think you're confusing peace with quiet."

"Uh-huh." Tony interrupts. "What's the vibranium for?"

"I'm glad you asked that because, I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan."

Ultron does something to Tonys suit, pulling him forward before blasting him into a wall. They start fighting while Thor and Steve get the Legionnaire. Pietro speeds past me, knocking me over. I get back up and see that Wanda is no longer there and start helping with the bots.

The blur passes again and I see Steve laying on the floor in pain. I look around, following the blue lights, watching Pietro get thrown to the ground.

I'm about to go down there as he gets up but, Steve beats me to it, knocking him back down with the shield. I jump down anyway, Steve running off to deal with something else.

"Pietro." I whisper and he looks at me weird, again. "Yes, I'm the one that let you go, the others don't know that so, don't say anything."

"Why're you helping us?" He furrows his brows as I stick out my hand.

"I want to." I shrug as I pull him up. "I know why you don't like Tony, completely understandable and I don't expect you to listen to me but, at least hear what I'm saying. Please?"

"Fine." He sighs.

"Tony is a good guy." I say and he rolls his eyes. "I know. I know you don't believe it and, again, I don't expect you to. But, he didn't send those bombs."

"He still made them."

"Yeah and I don't get that either, like, at all. They do nothing good for this world and everyone knows it but, he really has become a good guy. Bit of an ass sometimes but, that's not the point." I say this and he chuckles. "All I'm saying is, if you won't believe me, that's fine. But, when Ultron shows you what he's really planning, I'm here. The others are dicks but, I'm here. Go help Wanda."

"Thank you." He sighs.

I nod and he speeds off.

"Who's ever standing, we gotta move." Clint orders.

"I'm standing."

"That's not surprising. Guys?"


"Natasha, I could really use a lullaby." Tony states.

"That's not gonna happen." Clint denies. "Not for a while."

"Little one?"

"Yup, I'm coming."

I push myself through the ceiling, going the way Tony is leading me, and seeing a city up in the distance. I hurry there and see Hulk is in the process of destroying cars and buildings, etc, landing behind him and his red eyes.


He turns to me and shakes his head, knowing who I am, just not in the right mindset to know I'm good. He goes to punch me but, I grab his fist, stopping his movement. He doesn't like that and goes with his other fist, me also grabbing that one.

"You know me, Hulk." I state softly. "I'm little one."

He furrows his brows as he stares at me and I sigh.

"Come on, Hulk. The little one you smile at everytime you come out. You know me. Wanda has gotten in your head, you need to calm down. Let me help you calm down."

His breathing evens out while he stares into my eyes. He relaxes his fists and arms and I slowly let go of them, not breaking eye-contact.

"Alright." I smile. "You're doing great."

I ever so slowly reach my hands up to his face, him lowering to my level. I make contact and he jumps a bit but, stays where he is when he sees how calm I am.

I trail a line down each cheek, his eyes slowly turning white, doing a line down his nose, too. He goes back to normal and I do one last line until, he's falling back with groans as he slowly turns into Banner.

"Oh, thank God." Tony sighs behind me.

He goes to Banner and picks him up, flying out of the city. I'm about to follow when I see a bunch of people staring at me with smiles, beginning to clap.

"Oh, okay." I smile and wave.

They cheer and I fly away with a large smile.

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