Chapter 2: Secret Santa and sleepovers

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"Veronica, it's your turn." Kevin said walking up to Veronica.

Sometimes I wonder how I ended up in this room. I'm not friends with very many people in here but I know them all.

Archie is my brother, Reggie is in here and he's my best friend, Kevin and I talk to each other a lot but that's because we're in the same boat. I know Cheryl from cheer. And I guess there's Jughead and he's like a brother so.

But Betty, Veronica, and Josie have just never liked me that much. Well like I said me and Veronica get along sometimes but Betty doesn't really talk to me and Josie is just straight up rude to me.

"Oh. A gift certificate for a couples' massage." Veronica annonced a little hurt in her voice.

She was trying to hide it but I know it's there.

"Thanks, Josie." Veronica said turning from Archie to Josie.

"You can go with Betty, or your mom..." Josie tried to explain sense she felt bad.

"Or I can go with your mom, if you want." Reggie teased.

When he said that Veronica looked at me and I knew what she was trying to say. So I smacked my best friend upside the head and Veronica gave me a smile.

Like I said we get along sometimes.

"Oh, dear God, can we please get this torture over with?" Cheryl begged and even though I wasn't going to say it I agree.

"Y/n, you're next and merifully last." Kevin said handing me a gift.

"Well I think I know who picked my name sense he's been so secretive lately." I said glancing at Jughead.

I then opened the small present to revel a picture of me and Jughead during puberty and I couldn't not laugh. I facepalmed myself as I looked at the embarassing photo before handing it to Archie.

"Really Jughead?" I laughed and he just smiled at me and Betty glared at me for some reason.

She does know I would never date Jughead right?

And aren't they fighting or something?

I never know with them.

"Oh my gosh I wish I got this for my christmas present." Archie laughed, "I loved Puberty Y/n."

"Really?" Reggie asked because he didn't like puberty me.

"Oh god no." Archie laughed, "She would get mad at me just for looking at her."

Out of nowhere Moose and Midge entered the room. Reggie and I raced over to hug Moose as Kevin stood up. Moose is one of my friends so it's amazing to see him ok.

Because him and Midge were attacked by the black hood awhile ago.

After the secret santa we all went our seperet ways sense it was the end of the day. I was walking out of the school with Reggie when Jughead ran up to me.

"What's up Juggie." I smiled tapping him on the head.

"You need to stop calling me that." Jughead demaned and I shrugged my shoulders.

"We'll see, now what can I do for you?" I asked as the two of us started to walk down the stair case of the school and Reggie went to talk with a girl.

"Me and my dad are going through a problem and I need help." Jughead explained.

"And why do you need me of all people?" I asked confused.

"Because despite the fact that I know Betty and Veronica." Jughead started and I waited for him to finish, "I think you know how to scare someone off."

"Well I do actully." I said and Jughead smiled, "I can talk to my brother and dad and see if I could spend a few nights at your house."

"That would be great." Jughead said wrapping his arm around my shoulder, "Let's go!"

I laughed and the two of us walked to his bike where he drove us to the trailor park. He had to go to a serpant place so he dropped me off at his trailor where I texted Archie and my dad.

Y/n: Hey Arch Dad isn't picking up but I wanted you to know I'm spending a few nights at Jughead's house.

Archie: Ya, I'll let Dad know. Don't do anything stupid.

Y/n: I make no promises.

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