Chapter 63: Poor Archie

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"Elio, what is this place?" Veronica asked as we entered a dark room

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"Elio, what is this place?" Veronica asked as we entered a dark room. Spotlights shinning in one spot, and one spot only.

Hirum Lodge had gotten Veronica bannded from seeing Archie. So she was wearing a blonde wig and sunglasses for some reason.

"And why aren't we at the juvie?" Veronica asked.

She got it okay with Elio for me to come with them. After all this was about Archie, and it was important, so of course I had to come along.

"It's a decommissioned Rec Center." Elio explained to the two of us as we made our way down the long line of people, "I didn't tell you beforehand because I didn't want you calling in the cavalry. At least not while I'm here."

"My patience is wearing thin." Veronica mumbled as I came and stood next to her.

I looked down to see that the spotlights were shinning on a single person. A topless boy that was boxing the air.

What did this have to do with Archie?

"Easy, tigress, it's just about show-time." Elio replied and I raised an eye brow.

"Show time?" I asked looking at Elio.

That's when they brought out another topless boy. There was a bag on top of his head, but before they took the bag off I immideatly knew who it was. That was Archie.

"I'd recognize those abs anywhere." Veronica said lowering her sunglasses slightly.

"Same." I replied, Archie walks around shirtless a lot.

The bag was taken from his head. And there he was. The red headed boy, that didn't deserve to be here.

"Archie?" Me and Veronica asked confused.

"Relax." Elio said grabbing my shoulder, because apperently word gets around. All of Hawkins knows what happens when I'm angry, "I hear he always wins."

A bell dinged. And the two boys started to fight. My jaw dropped as I watched this. I wanted to jump the fence, I wanted to save my brother.

But before I did it, Archie uppercutted the other boy. And the other boy fell uncontious. This was crazy, what the hell is going on? I looked down to see Archie look up but he didn't see me, or I don't think he did.

After the fight Elio showed me and Veronica to the back room. Where Archie was hopefully going to be. Veronica agreed to let me go talk to him first, because I had to leave soon. Or I needed to go talk to my dad.

"Archie..." I said when the door closed behind me and he turned around to see me.

He looked horrible, my heart broke at the sight.

"Y/n!" Archie said setting the bucket of ice aside as he got up.

I quickly walked over engulfing him in a huge hug. I started crying into his shoulder, I know I shouldn't. He should be the one crying, he was just beaten half to death. Or that's what it looked like.

"Archie...I'm so sorry I haven't been visiting you." I said pulling away from the hug, "I've had a lot going on."

"Hey, don't worry. I'm sure Toni is loving her time with you." Archie said punching my shoulder slightly.

I gasped, "ARCHIE!"

"What?" He laughed, "You didn't think dad wouldn't have told me?"

"Oh my god...speaking of dad...did he know?" I asked tilting my head slightly.

"Know about what?" Archie asked sitting down and putting his hands back in the ice bucket.

"The fighting..." I replied sitting down next to him.

"Um...yeah, yeah he knew." Archie replied with hurt in his voice as I sighed.

"Of course he did, and he didn't tell me." I sighed, "At least we know who clearly taught me to punch."

"You haven't been punching anyone lately have you?" Archie asked as I placed my head on his shoulder.

"No, no I haven't." I replied, "I've thought about it, but I haven't. Despite almost killing Sweet Pea and Fangs yesterday."

"What they do?" Archie laughed.

"They were paracticeing aiming with Cheryl's bow. And shot one three inches from my face." I explained to him, "Anyways, theres someone else who wants to talk to you."

I then got up and opened the door. Veronica in her blonde wig and sunglasses walked in. I left quickly, because I wanted to give them their alone time.

-Time skip-

I got home and did my best not to kick the door down. My dad was sitting in the kitchen reading the magazine and drinking coffee when I walked over.

"Hey kiddo, what did you and Veronica go do?" My dad asked, because I didn't even know what we were doing before Veronica came to pick me up.

"You know, just went to watch Archie fight!" I shouted angirly, "How could you not tell me?"

"I'm sorry, I wanted to. But you and Toni just got back together and you were so happy." My dad explained to me as tears slid down my face.

"Dad, he's been getting the shit kicked out of him." I said slamming my hands on the table, "He looked like he was going to get killed today."

"There's a lot going on, over there right now. You just have to trust me, that Archie is going to be okay." My dad said and I huffed as I stormed up the stairs.

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