Chapter 51: Back to the courtroom

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"Archie!" Veronica exclaimed as me, her, Jughead, and Betty rushed up the stairs

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"Archie!" Veronica exclaimed as me, her, Jughead, and Betty rushed up the stairs.

I don't know how much time we have left until the Jury decided. Or until we are called back into the courtroom. So, we tried to find him as fast as possible.

"There you are." I let out a sigh of relief as I sat on the step in front of him and took his hand in mine.

Veronica sat beside him and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. While Betty and Jughead stood in front of the three of us. Jughead's arm wrapped around Betty.

"How are you holding up, bud?" Jughead asked as I rubbed circles around his hand looking at him with my head tilted slightly.

"Yeah good, Jug." Archie said but I knew he wasn't good.

He didn't look good.

"What were you thinking about just now?" I asked because I knew he had something on his mind, even if it wasn't his court case.

"How you're going to walk out of this courthouse a free man?" Veronica asked with a wide smile.

"No, I...there was this place. We've never been before, Ronnie, but Betty, Jug, Y/n, do you guys remember Sweetwater Swimming Hole?" Archie asked with a smile causing me to grin wide and giggle at the memory as I knodded my head.

"How we went there every summer." I added with a bright smile as I saw Toni starring at me from standing with Sweet Pea and Fangs.

"I was just thinking about that place earlier." Jughead said with a proud smile and I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, me to." Betty said with a smile so bright it could blind someone, "What made us stop going?"

"Uh, probably when we got covered in leeches, you remember that Y/n/n. Me and you started to freak out and practically flew out of the water." Jughead said looking at me as I stopped looking at Toni and nodded my head.

"Oh yeah I do remember that. We were removing leaches for hours." I laughed as Archie leaned down and hugged my side, "Archie wouldn't stop yelling at me. 'Oh my god, are you okay?" I said in Archie's voice as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh no, my sister is covered in black blood sucking slugs." Jughead did an impression of Archie causing me to laugh harder.

"Was that us or was that a movie?" Betty asked confused not remembering that day, but me, Archie, and Jughead remembered it clearly.

"That was definitely us." Archie said as Jughead and I said, "That was us."

"I'd like to go." Veronica said and I could tell she felt a little left out.

"Guys, it's time" Kevin said running up the stairs and I took a deep breath before putting my game face back on.

"It's scary how Y/n/n can go from fun and laughing, to scary and serious." Betty laughed as we made our way down the stairs.

-to the court room-

Me and Archie say closer then the last time. My head resting on his shoulder as we waited in scilence. We were waiting for everyone to come back.

And when they did the Judge started, "The jury is still deliberating, but I've dismissed them."

Excited chatter filled the room as the Judge finished the sentence. I tried my best to fight a happy dance. This is a good thing, maybe Archie isn't going to prison after all.

"There sequested and I've instructed them not to read anything about this case, nor to dicusee it with anyone. We'll reconvene Tuesday morning after Labor Day." The Judge annonced as I rubbed Archie's knee.

The Judge then sighed and leaned over so he was looking directly at Archie, "My advice to you, young man, is to spend the weekend with your family and your loved ones. That's all."

And with that the courtroom was dismissed. Veronica went straight to Mary and they walked out talking. I sighed and my hands ran down my face roughly.

My dad and me walked on both sides of Archie as we walked out of the room. Camera's and decives being shoved in our faces. Questions and reporters everywhere you looked.

"Hey, Archie." Hirum Lodge said sternly causing me, my dad, and Archie to turn around and I gave him a cold glare, "Have a terrific weekend."

I let go of Archie's shoulder and my hands rolled into fists as I started walking forward. Before I knew it I had punched him right in the face causing him to stumble back into Hermione.

A grin grew on my face as Archie grabbed me and held me back. My dad just watching in amusment, as if he was about to do it.

"Y/n, stop!" Archie said as I was about to go in for another swing.

"Guys. Guys." A random dude said holding Hirum back from trying to kill me, "No, come on guys. Come on."

I still faught against Archie causing Jughead to also come hold me back.

"That's not all I got." I smiled before putting my hands up in surrender as Hirum pushed the man off him.

We got outside and I pushed Archie and Jughead off of me. A wide smile on my face.
I punched Hirum Lodge. Of course, I probably shouldn't have, but I did.

I started to do a happy dance as I saw Toni standing by her motorcycle. I danced my way over to her and right before I got there I stopped and smiled at her.

"Was that really necessary?" She asked refurring to the punch.

"It was absoulutly necessary." I smiled, "And would I do it again, yes, yes I would. Am I going to do it again, also yes."

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