Chapter 19: I'm not going to jail

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There I am sitting in the chaple next to my brother and Betty. Me and Jughead still aren't on speacking terms. But by tonight I'll be on speacking terms with absoulutly no one.

Because I'll be in jail for a long time. I can't admit to a crime I didn't commite and that will just keep me there forever. But then when I admit to the crime I'll still be there.

There is absolutly no getting out of this.

Josie was standing at the front wearing a long black dress with perls. Since Veronica said we had to dress fancy. Meaning girls in dresses and boys in tuxes.

I was wearing a beutiful black dress with a golden rim around the sleeves and my stomach.

'Cause it's a bittersweet.' Josie started to sing as the music started to play.

I must admit I don't like Josie but she has an amazing voice that's for sure.

'Symphony this life trying to make ends meet you're a slave to the money then you die'

While Josie was singing, Veronica started to walk down the middle isle in a beutiful white dress. It's like it was her wedding or something.

Me and Veronica aren't on speacking tearms either but she does look really pretty. Let's just say I'm not on specking tearms with a lot of people right now.

'I'll take you down the only road that I've ever been down.' Veronica started to sing.

But while this was happening Hiram Lodge kept glancing at me with that evil smirk of his. Oh I'm so dead.

'You know the one that takes you to the places where all the veins meet yeah'

Once Veronica got on stage she stood next to Joise and the two of them started to sing a duet. And their voice combined is just something I never would have imagined.

'No change, I can't change, I can't change, I can't change. But I'm here in my mold, I am here in my mold.'

The rest of the ceramony was a lot but then it came to the end. A women was standind with her hands on Veronica's shoulders while the man asked.

"Do you Veronica Cecilia Lodge, renounce Satan and all evil works?" The man asked and Veronica took a second to answer.

If she says yes I would assume her dad just disappers. If I'm being honest her dad mine as well be the spawn of Satan and he is the doing of all evil works.

That happens in Riverdale at least.

"And do you walk in the light of the lord?" The man finally finished.

Walking in the light of the lord would be walking away from her dad. I'm not joking I'm being serious.

For a second I thought she was going to say no but then she finally answered, "I do."

- time skip -

We were all at the after party but I couldn't move and I couldn't dance. The only thing I was thinking about was when I'm going to get arrest. Even though me, Betty, and the Serpents are the only ones that know.

Even though I was mad at him me and Jughead were sitting upstairs together. I think we're both nervous about the Serpent meeting going on right now.

Because it could go really bad.

"It's not like Jughead Jones and Y/n Andrews to neglect a free buffet." Betty said as she walked up the stair case, "You guys okay?"

"No, it's the Serpents." Jughead answered while I slid down the wall I was leaning against, "They're in a meeting to decide if Y/n's getting kicked out or not."

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