Chapter 71: Jellybean

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What felt like days had passed. I'm pretty sure days had passed. But we didn't spend the whole time walking. We had a friendly truck driver give us a ride to the Jones' Junkyard.

"Well this is defintly the place." Jughead said as we arrived.

"You guys lost?" A random man walked towards us as I got excited to see Jellybean, "Or are you looking to pick up some merch?"

"We're looking for Gladys Jones." Jughead replied as he showed the random man his serpent tattoo, "I'm family. We need a place to stay."

"Y/n!" A little girl asked as she came out from under a car.

"Jellybean!" I jumped excited, I never had a sister, but Jellybean was like one.

"Thought I smelled something awesome." Jellybean smiled at me, "You heard him. Open the damn gate."

The gate was opened and I ran inside. Jellybean running towards me as she engulfed me in a hug. Jughead may be her older brother, but I'm her favorite.

"I've missed you." I said, "And your getting so pretty."

"Me? Have you seen yourself?" Jellybean said excited, "Have you got a girlfriend yet?"

"Oh you know it." I smiled punching her shoulder as she laughed and ran over engulfing Jughead in a hug.

"Jughead?" I heard another familer voice say as me and Archie followed the two siblings.

"Hey, mom." Jughead replied, he didn't seem as excited to see her as he was to see Jellybean, but that's understandable.

"Oh, Jug." Gladys said as she wrapped her arms around Jughead's neck, "You feel like a...Like a bag of tire irons. Are you eating? Ugh, you're not a vegetarian now, are you?"

"You wound me, Mother." Jughead said as Gladys laughed and turned to see us.

"Oh, I recognize the Andrews twins. Archie Andrews, and Y/n Andrews." Gladys smiled at the two of us before hugging us.

"Y/n's actully a Lodge, mom." Jughead explaimed, "You've missed a lot."

"Gosh you two sure grew up." She smiled, "And Y/n, your a Lodge? You ain't living with them are you?"

"Oh what? Hell no." I laughed, "It's a long story."

"You two finally got together, huh?" Gladys asked as she looked at me and Jughead, "I always knew there was something going on between you."

"Uh, no, we're not together together." Jughead replied in a confused tone as I shook my head no and Archie smirked.

"We're just on the rode together." I added.

"You're not the first person to think that though." Archie laughed and we both slapped him sense he was standing in the middle of us.

"They're platonic soulmates." Archie continued with a smile.

"I know you didn't come to Toledo for the weather." Gladys said finally getting back to what's important, "What's going on? Why didn't you call me, tell me you were coming?"

"Last time I called, you told me I couldn't come." Jughead answered as Jellybean looked confused.

"Well, that was a different time." Gladys sighed, "Hey, I got my GED now. Hmm? I started this whole place up. I am a legit businesswoman now."

"Hey, Gladys, tailpipe just came in with these. Where do you want 'em?" Someone interrupted our conversation.

"Yeah, not right now, Lugnut." Gladys replied, "Oh hey, wait up. Get the crew together huh? Tell 'em my son's come home. His best pal, and 'platonic' soulmate, too. Tonight, we are going to feast."

We continued talking about our lives back in Riverdale. We talked about me joining the serpents, Jughead told everyone how I've gone crazy to protect my brother. Oh and Toni being my girlfriend. And me attacking Penny Peabody.

Nothing was a secret when it came to my life, but when it came to his. It was all just secrets.

"Hiram Lodge, huh? The good-looking short stack was always trouble. But why go after Archie and Y/n?" Gladys asked confused.

"Archie was the only one that stood up to him, defied him. And Y/n punched him." Jughead explained.

"Okay, that was after he started going after us." I clarified glaring at Jughead.

"Not to mention, I also date...dated his daughter." Archie added.

"Oh." Gladys chuckled.

"Dated? As in, no longer dating?" Jellybean asked looking past me towards Archie, "As in, single?"

"Relax, Jellybean." Jughead said sounding disgusted.

"It's JB now, Kid Kerouac." Jellybean replied as Archie chuckled and I wore a proud smile.

"Archie. Have you spoken to your dad through any of this?" Gladys asked as someone walked over and handed me my phone that was now fully charged and I looked to see I had a bunch of missed calls.

I zoned out the conversations around me. As I had missed calls from Chery, Toni, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Veronica, and my dad. This was all definitly a lot, I even had a missed call from Hermione.

I stood up as my phone started ringing. It was Cheryl, so I quickly answered it. Everyone giving me a look and they all went quite as they stared at me.

"Hey Cheryl, sorry my phone's been dead." I said as I started walking around.

"Toni had a seziure, told me not to call you. She said that she's fine. But I think you need to come home." Cheryl said as my eyes widened and I almost dropped my phone.

"Wait, what?" I asked nervous, "Toni had a seizure?"

I looked at Jughead who gave me a concerned look, "Please Y/n, just come home."

"Yeah, I'll start making my way home." I sighed as I hung up the phone, "Shit!"

"Toni, is she okay?" Jughead asked.

"No, she told Cheryl not to call me, but apperently she needs me back home." I said in a panic, "What if she's not okay?"

"Hey, why don't you just start going home?" Archie asked, "I'm sure Miss. Jones will lend you a car."

"But your my brother."

"And she's your girlfriend." Archie replied and I groaned.

"Archie's right, Y/n. Go home, and we'll call you." Jughead said as Jellybean stood up.

"JB, show Y/n what car she can use." Gladys said as me and Jellybean walked away.

"I'm real sorry Arch." I replied as I followed Jellybean and she handed me some keys.

"This one right here, it should get you to Riverdale. And if not Riverdale at least Greendale." Jellybean explained.

"Thanks JB." I sighed hugging her, "It was so nice to see you. You are like my little sister."

"Your like my big sister. I wish you can stay for longer." Jellybean replied as she pulled away and I got in the car.

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