Chapter 82: Breakup again

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"What the hell is he doing here?" Kurtz asked starring at FP, while I was sitting on the desk and Jughead was behind it.

"I made the invitation." I shrugged as Jughead walked around the desk.

"Why?" Sweet Pea asked as I wore a proud smile and sat criss cross on the desk.

"Kurtz boasted that the Serpents need him more than he needs us." Jughead explained agreeing with what I did.

"I disagree." I said glarring at the boy who was starring into my soul.

"But one thing is true. The serpents are rubberless. We lack identity and focus." Jughead explained as I continued talking.

"We're better and stronger when we're task-focused." I said before Jughead started talking again.

"That's why with the help of my father, Serpent Emeritus, we've come up with a plan." Jughead said, "to deputize the Serpents."

"To become partners with the Riverdale Sheriff's department." I clarified.

"You'll work for me." FP said, "Help me with investigations, be my eyes and ears in the community. In return, you'll get paid, and receive school credit to help you apply to colleges."

"This is about bringing order, ensuring our survival. But this is gonna be a brand-new chapter for the serpents, and we can't be divided about it. So let's put it to a vote." Jughead offered as I slowly started to stand up on the desk.

"If it's no unanimous..." I said looking at Kurtz before raising my voice and pointing at the door, "there's the damn door."

"All in favor?" Jughead asked as I jumped down from the desk.

Everyone raised their hands, everyone except for Kurtz. Of course it was excpected. One day he's going to realize he missed out on a great opportunity. All for some game.

"The door man." I smirked as he glared at me.

"I'll be back for you, bitch." He said poking my chest before walking out of the room.

"Sweet. Do we get to carry guns?" Sweet Pea asked clapping his hands together.

"Absolutly not."


I shrugged as I smiled, "I already carry a gun."

"About that." FP said and my facial features dropped as he held his hand out, "Give it."

"Aww...really?" I whinned as he nodded his head.

"Just give him the gun, and let's go." I turned around to see a frustarted Toni.

Me and her haven't talked for a while. She's been giving me the silent treatment actully. She was pissed when she found out I was working with the serpents again.

"Fine!" I said throwing my hands in the air,  "But it's at my house, I'll bring it by the station tonight."

"Great, let's go." Toni said yanking me out of the classroom.

"So, your finally going to talk with me?" I asked as we walked down the halls.

She didn't say anything, in fact she was completely quite until we got to my house. We ran up to my room while Archie and Ricky were playing video games.

When I got into my room, Toni closed the door and right as I turned around she slammed me against the wall. I was shocked when she looked at me, anger filling her eyes.

"You ready to talk?" I sqeaked as she held my arms to the side of me, her body leaning into me.

"You ready to quit the Serpents?" She whispered nibbling at my ear as I bit my lip.

"You know I can't do that." I sighed as I rested the back of my head against the wall, "Jughead's my best friend."

"Well I'm not going back to the Serpents. So you come with me, or you go with Jughead." Toni said letting go of me as I sighed.

"Toni..." I sighed, "Jughead has been by my side sense we were kids. I love you but I love him too."

"No I get it, I'll sleep on the couch tonight, Cheryl already offered me a place." Toni said as my face grew in anger.

The next morning I woke up and saw Cheryl's car out front. Oh shit! Toni was serious. I bolted down the stairs as I saw Toni leaving the house.

"T, wait!" I shouted after her as I ran out the door, "Don't go!"

"You made up your mind Y/n, you chose Jughead over your girlfriend." Toni said as she turned around, "Guess it doesn't matter anyways."

She walked towards me yanking the necklace off my neck and chucking it into the grass. I looked at it, tears in my eyes as Toni got in Cheryl's car.

"Shit." I mumbled as I ran towards the grass, digging through it to find the necklace.

"Y/n?" Betty's voice rang through my ears as I looked up to see Betty, Alice, FP, Gladys, Jughead, and Jellybean.

"Double shit." I huffed as I sat down, "Hi!"

"You okay?" Jughead asked as he walked across Betty's lawn to mine.

"No." I cried as I found the broken locket and held it up, "No I'm really not."

"Oh Y/n/n." Jellybean sighed as she ran over and hugged me.

"I'm dying, literally dying." I cried as I stood up and ran into the street.

Cheryl's car turning the corner. I caught Toni's glance one last time. I dropped the locket into the street and stomped on it.

"Oh no! Y/n!" Betty said as she ran over and quickly picked up the pieces, "We can fix it. Right mom!"

"It doesn't matter, she hates me." I sighed as I walked towards my car, "Here's the gun FP."

"Sorry kid." FP said embracing me in a hug as I sighed.

"You gave up your girlfriend for Jughead?" Gladys asked as she looked at me.

"Sure did." I sighed as I turned towards Jughead who looked like it was his fault, "But Jug look at me, this is not your fault!"

"Why would you leave a hottie for my brother?" Jellybean asked as I chuckled lightly.

"Jellybean?" Jughead said confused and shocked as he brought me into a hug.

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