Chapter 42: Archie's ransome

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"What do you mean you won't pay Archie's ransom you asshole." I hissed because Mr. Lodge refused to pay it and I need my brother back.

Veronica looked at me worried. She could tell I was angry, and honestly I have better things to do right now. Like making sure I don't end up in jail. But this...this seemed more important.

Plus my brother was the first person to say he would help me. I need my brother back, even if it means I have to kick Nick St. Clair's butt.

"I'm not cowering down to a teen terrorist like Nick St. Clair" Hirum replied and I rolled my eyes getting ready to pounce on him.

What an asshole.

"Well then I'm calling the police!" Veronica said picking up the phone but both her parents went to stop her.

"No can't!" Hirum continued and I was getting angry at this point.

So, your not going to pay to save my brother? Your not going to let us call the police? What are you going to do, let Nick St. Clair hurt my brother?

"The St. Clairs are a 'Family' with ties to the under world." Mom informed Veronica of.

"I thought they were music producers?" I asked confused looking at Veronica who knodded along side me.

"They are. But they're also Mobsters." Mr. Lodge explained, "And if we involve the police, we risk exposing ourselves."

"Which is probably why Nick was so brazen, and in calling you and not even trying to hide his identity." Mom explained and I rolled my eyes, this is ridiculus.

"But we will figure this out, I just need you to be patient." Hirum explained.

Patient, really? You think that being patient is the best idea right now? For all we know my brother could be dead in the next two minutes.

Plus what happened to my brother defending you, and everything you stand for? This is absolutly horrible. It doesn't make any sense.

"Patient? For all we know daddy, Nick's cutting off Archie's ear right now!" Veronica shouted almost exactly what I was thinking.

With that me and Veronica left. If their not going to help us then we're going to have to do this ourselves. Sisters for life, am I right?

-time skip-

We snuck into Hirum's office to get money from the safe for Archie's ransome. But there wasn't enough, so we ran into yet another problem we would have to fix.

Although I say we just go with my plan and I go beat the shit out of Nick. He took my brother, he tried hurting Cheryl, what else do I need against him to beat his ass?

Veronica took the money that was in the safe anyways and called Nick. I was sitting on her spinning chair spinning around just waiting. I was going to kick the shit out of Nick no matter what.

He messed with the wrong girl.

Veronica then turned to me, "I'm sorry, I have to go alone."

"No, Veronica he's my brother I'm coming with you!" I said sternly and she looked like she was thankful.

-time skip-

Me and Veronica sat in a booth at Pop's side by side. Veronica was sqeezing my hand under the table, she was nervous I could tell.

Nick walked in and when he noticed me his face went into pure disgust. I rolled my eyes and he made his way to our table.

"I thought I told you to come alone." Nick said sitting down across from me and Veronica.

"He's my brother you asshole, so it's either I come or I kick the shit out of you." I hissed and he raised an eyebrow as if I was joking.

"Before we do anything I need proof that Archie's okay." Veronica said getting off the subject of me.

Which was probably a good idea, because I don't want to get us into any trouble. I just want to get my brother back that's all.

Nick showed us a picture and I slapped my hands over my mouth. I wanted to cry and Veronica tried to grab the phone as if that would help, I don't think it will.

"Where is he you barbarian." I hissed trying to hold back my tears, I had to be strong. We were dealing with Nick St. Clair.

"First, the money." Nick said as if we were going to give him the money before he gave us Archie.

That's not how this works.

But Veronica did it anyways and I rolled my eyes. It's not enough, we were suppose to get to Archie kick the shit out of Nick and his group and then run. They weren't suppose to get any money at all.

Nick picked up the bag and huffed, "There is no way this is all of it."

"Let Archie go and I will give you the rest, Nick." Veronica said leaning forward slightly.

"How? How are you going to come up with that kind of cash?" Nick asked in disbelief that Veronica had the money.

This was some sort of cruel joke. You want us to pay you the money, but it's such a high ransome not even the mayor has the money for it. Nick your crazy.

"Unless you give me something else." Nick said then turning his attention towards me and I raised an eyebrow.

You don't think...

"Dare I ask what?" Veronica said asking the question for me.

I don't think Veronica would throw me under the bus...right?

"How about what we started in New York, but with her instead...I hear you broke up with the Serpent slut." Nick said wiggling his eyebrows and I looked at him in disgust.

"Don't talk about her like that!" I hissed slamming my hands on the table and Nick jumped back slightly.

Maybe I need to talk to Toni after all this. The past few months haven't felt right.

"Even is she... did agree." Veronica said and I looked at her like she was crazy, I'm not getting with him, "What garante do I have, that you'll let Archie go?"

"Why my word as a gentlemen of course." Nick smiled and I looked at him in disgust, this man was a monster

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