Chapter 67: The parents

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"It's okay Kevin, he's a doctor." Betty said before hanging up the phone as we walked down to La Bonne Nuit.

Betty didn't tell me what was going on. She didn't tell me what we were doing. She just told me she needed help and to meet her at Pops, oh and to bring my gun in case it was needed. But I really hope it isn't needed.

So, when we walked down to La Bonne Nuit and all the parents were there I was shocked. Every single one of my friends parents were in this room including my own.

"Elizabeth. Don't tell me this is your doing." Alice said walking towards the two of us.

My dad looking at me in shock. I just shrugged my shoulder at him. Because I'm still confued why I'm here.

"I sent the invitations from the Gargoyal King. And Mr. Andrews before you get mad, Y/n had nothing to do with this." Betty informed my dad and he nodded slowly as Betty went back to what was important.

"What?" Alice asked frustrated as Betty put her bag down.

"I mean you all came." I added shrugging my shoulders.

"What are you up to?" Alice asked in a serious tone.

"All of the secrets end now, mom." Betty demanded, "And this was the only way to do it, to get all of you together. Someone in this room is a murderer."

"Oh hell, Betty! That's why?" I asked because I wasn't going to say I had a gun in front of a bunch of adults and my dad, plus the mayor.

"Yes." Betty said.

"Alice, we promised each other we would never talk about this." Hermione said as I sat down on the stair case, "I mean, who else did you tell?"

"I told Betty to protect her, so she wouldn't play the game." Alice replied.

"And it worked. I'm not playing the game, but many of your kids are." Betty replied.

"Y/n are you playing?" My dad asked pointing a finger at me.

"What? No!" I shouted in disbelief that he would even ask me that question.

"This is about protecting them, don't you care?" Betty asked in a frustrated tone.

"Care? Y/n had a seizure this morning. I should be there right now, and she should be in bed." My dad said pointing at me, "Not here rehashing the past when it has zero relevance."

"Mr. Andrews it is relevant. Your daughter's friends are playing the game and she's been trying to stop them." Betty replied, "Josie is playing the game, along with Kevin and Cheryl, and even your son Reggie, Mr, Mantle, no matter how many black eyes you give him."

"I would never hit my son." Mr. Mantle lied and I rolled my eyes.

"Another lie." I said pointing at him.

"Guys, it was bound to get out sometime." My dad said trying to make the peace after making a fuss just a second ago, "Our children need to know the truth. So, Betty, Y/n honey, where do we start?"

"With the dead warden from Archie's juvie." Betty said, "He was also the RROTC instructor when you guys were in high school. Mr. Keller you were a cadet at the time. Did you play the game with him?"

"Major Norton just confiscated a stray manual, that's all." Mr. Keller explained.

"Mr. Lodge, you had business dealing with Warden Norton." I said pushing myself off the stairs as Betty held me a peaceful distance from him, "until he died. What were they?"

"And did you know that he was playing G&G?" Betty asked.

"None of your business, and not a clue." Hirum answered the two of us.

"And what about Ascension night? Was he there?" Betty asked.

"How are we suppose to answer that?" FP asked, "We were all high off our gourds hallucinating gargoyles."

"Wait, FP, you saw it too?" Alice asked looking towards him.

"Oh, this is such a waste of our time, and I actully have a job that I need to get back to, so if you'll excuse me." Hirum said trying to get up but Betty looked at me and so did Mr. Keller, because he was the one that gave me the gun.

"Y/n." Betty demaned.

"Uh, no it's for emergency's only." I replied to her.

"This is an emergency, someone in here is a killer and no one's leaving." Betty said and I sighed pushing myself off the stair case but before I could take my gun out Hermione stopped Hirum.

"No Hirum, let's just get this over with." Hermione said, "Otherwise, it will never end."

"Betty you wanna know who poisoned the chalice." Hermione said louder as she walked in front of Betty and I sat back down, "The game master is the one who sets up the game. So, my instinct is telling me that the culprit was Penelope Blossom. My guess is maybe she grew the poison in her greenhouse."

"You don't grow cyanide, Hermione." Penelope replied.

"A fact that only a Blossom would know." Hermione said as Penelope stood up.

"It was Daryl Doiley." Penelope said, and everyone looked around at each other confused, "We were both Game Masters, and he was secretly in love with me. He put poison in the chalice, because he wanted us to ascend together. But I said no. I assumed the chalices were emptied afterwards, but they were not."

"No shit." I said causing everyone to shoot me a glare as I put my arms up in surrender.

"Years later, Daryl came to me riddled with guilt over the tragic incident and seeking comfort. And I refused him again." Penelope continued her story.

"Sounds like this Daryl guy had a hard life." I mumbled as Betty wacked me upside the head.

"We were both married with families and... and I was afraid, you see, or revisiting that unholy night. So, he left. The next day he was found dead in his garage, sitting in his sedan, engin running, windows up." Penelope explained with a deep sigh.

"Dilton Doiley's dead dad did it?" Betty asked in disbelief.

"Well, that explains how Dilton got his hands on the game, and why he started playing it." Alice said.

"No, but that doesn't explain who the Gargoyle King is today." Betty said in a frustrated tone as I looked over to see a smirk on Penelope's face.

"Jughead and I saw him." Betty said wacking one hand against the other.

My phone then started to ring and everyone looked at me.

I pulled my phone out to see it was Sweet Pea, "Hey Sweet Pea what's up?"

"Your not busy are you?" Sweet Pea asked.

"Yeah, I am but Betty can handle herself. What do you need?"

"Good because we found Joaquin. Some Centerville Serpents spotted him at the Last Resort Youth Hostel. We're on our way now." Sweet Pea informed me.

"Okay, I'll meet you there." I sighed as I hung up and looked at Betty, "You got it from here?"

Betty nodded her head as I ran up the stairs. Almost tripping as I did so.

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