Chapter 40: Shocker

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"Midge?" I questioned poking my head below the branch to see her frowning at me.

"Hi love, how you doin?" Midge asked as I jumped down from the tree and we walked back inside

Everyone inside seemed to be worried and they were all pacing around. When the door closed everyone looked up to see me with tear stains and Toni seemed to have the same.

"Oh my god, Y/n I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to be rude! I'm so so so so sorry." Betty practically cried as she ran over and pulled me into a hug.

I hugged her back and mumbled, "It-it's okay."

"No, no, it's not. I'll make it up to you I promise." Betty said before walking away towards Jughead who was looking at me worridly.

"Y/n please forgive me. It was a mistake, I was drunk and upset." Toni cried running towards me but I took a step back, I can't deal with her right now.

"Toni...I can't forgive you..." I replied as I started crying again, "Um...we're over."

"No, no Y/n look I promise it won't happen again." Toni cried trying to pull me into a hug but I just wasn't going to let it happen.

Again I took a step back and aplogized to her. I left for the day and texted Kevin that I just couldn't do the rest of rehersel. He texted me back telling me it was okay as long as I made it to the rest of rehersels.

-time skip-

Archie's pov:

I was showing my dad the new car that I bought from junkyard Steve. I was thinking me, him, and Y/n could fix it up together if she wanted to at least. I'm not even sure if she's doing okay.

Ever sense Toni and Y/n's breakup she's been really high, and she's been talking with Reggie a lot more. I know the two of them used to be best friends but I don't think that Reggie is being the best influence right now.

"How's Y/n? She hasn't come home sense the night she told me about her and Toni's break up." My dad asked while we were driving to the school.

"Um, I think she's okay. She's been staying at Ronnie's house, she just needs a friend." I lied because honestly I don't know where she's been staying, she doesn't come home, she barley is coming to school.

I'm surprised my dad hasn't found out about that yet. And when she does come to school she's a completely different person. I need to get her and Toni back together.

"Has she just been hanging out with you, Jughead, Betty, and Veronica then?" My dad asked curiously.

"Um no... she's been hanging out with Reggie, Midge, Moose, and Kevin." I replied before continuing, "If I'm being honest I think her and Midge have something going on."

"You think? I always kind of thought that she had a thing for Midge. How long have they been friends?" My dad asked.

"Um, ten years now I think." I replied, "They meet in elemetry I think."

Y/n's pov:

"Are you sober for tonights performence?" Midge asked as I was sitting in the chair of her dressing room and she was touching up her makeup.

"Yeah...I think so." I giggled and I'm pretty sure I'm sober.

Honestly I feel fine, so unless I'm really use to being wasted... I think I'm sober. Midge turned to me with a smile before slowly closing the door to her dressing room and I looked at her confused.

"Good, because I need to confess something." She smiled before walking towards me.

I sat up straight in the chair as she bent down to my eye level and I gulped. What the hell is this chick doing to me.

"I've liked you since the 6th grade, but I never told you because I was worried people would make fun of me for liking girls. But I'm not ashamed anymore...I love you." Midge smiled sitting on top of me and connecting her lips with mine.

For some reason it felt so wrong but at the same time it felt so right. Midge was the second girl I liked after Cheryl, but I was so nervous to tell her because I didn't think she liked girls. But it feels wrong because deep down I still have feelings for Toni.

But before I could pull away the door swung open and Midge quickly pulled away. She stood up immediatly as if she just commited a crime. Kevin stood there shocked with Jughead right next to him.

"Sorry girls... I was looking for Fangs." Kevin said before walking off but Jughead just sort of stood there still shock.

"Um...I'll see you on stage?" I smiled before walking out of Midge's dressing room and she nodded with a smile.

Well fuck me.

Archie's pov:

Me, Chuck, Betty, and Veronica were in the main dressing room doing voice warm ups getting ready. Kevin and Jughead then stormed into the room looking both shocked and confused.

"Hey what's up?" Veronica asked noticing the look on Kevin's face too.

"We just found Midge..." Kevin started but he was in so much shock he couldn't make out the rest of his sentence.

"Making out with Y/n." Jughead finished and by the look on his face he was trying so hard not to laugh.

"As in my sister and Moose's girlfriend?" Veronica asked, because well techinaclly Y/n is her sister so yeah she's correct.

"Are you serious?" Betty giggled and Chuck laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Is Y/n sober?" I asked confused, because from her state the last few weeks she might not be.

"Clean, I already checked because I was not putting a drunkie on my stage." Kevin replied leaning in the door way.

"Okay first of all Y/n is not a drunkie, she just lost the love of her life." Veronica snapped at Kevin with a look of disgust, "Second it's not your stage."

A/n: Don't worry Toni lovers, Y/n and Toni will be getting back together. And you will get to see a little bit of Y/n's other side. I hope you like it so far.

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