Chapter 3: Fight in a trailor

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I was sitting on Jughead's couch next to him when F. P. walked in the house. He was confused to see me but angry to see Jughead it seemed.

"Did you open them?" F. P. asked pointing to a large duffle bag on the table infront of me and Jughead.

"No, Dad. Out of respect for you." Jughead answered not even looking over to his dad, "But your parole officer, Mr. Walsh, he sure was curious."

"Walsh was here?" F. P. asked a little anger in his tone.

"Yeah." Jughead responded. and he took a quick glance at me before turning back to his dad.

"Don't worry, I got rid of him." I said as F. P. started taking of his jacked.

"But he's already heard that the Serpents are moving into narcos territory." Jughead started and that's when I stopped listening.

I'm a northside and I don't know to much about the serpants. Nor do I want to know about them. I respect them I do, but I don't really care for knowing all about them.

I honestly think the war between the Northsiders and southsiders is stupid. Because in the end we're all just people looking for a safe place to live.

Not that Riverdale is safe.

Because it's not.

But when I turned my attention back to Jughead and F. P. they were standing next to the now open duffle bag. Inside a bunch of gifts and I smiled that F. P. was trying.

Because last I heard is F. P. didn't give a shit about Jughead but now he's trying.

But I rolled my eyes when Jughead asked, "With drugs in them?"

"No Juggie with gifts in them." I said and F. P. pointed at me.

"Ya for you, your mom, and Jellybean." F. P. said looking back to Jughead.

Ahhh I love Jellybean! She is the cutest person in the world if you ask me. And Jellybean has always loved me and looked up to me.

I wish I had a sister, but no I'm stuck with a big hunk of annoying brother.

"Christmas day, I thought we'd take a ride to Toledo and deliver them in person." F. P. said picking up the duffle bag and walking away.

Jughead looked at me with shiny eyes and I don't know if he's fighting happy tears or sad tears. Either way I stood up and I hugged him and he hugged me back.

That's when I knew they were sad tears. Because Jughead never hugs me let alone let's me hug him.

He then pushed me off him and started talking to F. P. again, "Dad, this isn't going to work. Today, it's gifts. Tomarrow it's drugs or weapons or God knows what. And how long is this going to go on for?"

F. P. threw his arms in the air out of anger as he started to walk away. But Jughead kept talking and continued to follow F. P.

So now you know why Jughead can be a little annoying. I just wish Jughead would wake up and relize his dad is trying to do something nice. Jughead deserves it.

"As long as Penny wants!" F. P. shouted.

Penny? Who's Penny?

"And if her favors keep getting bigger which you know that they will, what happens when she asked for more Serpants in on this?" Jughead said trying to contain his anger.

F. P. on the other hand couldn't contain his anger, "Then I'll bring more Serpants! --- You know what? --- You're right. --- This isn't going to work!"

Oh no! Why do I have to come over and see this?

"You and I living together, so maybe you can go back to Fred's or to Betty's." F. P. shouted and I had to try and fight back tears.

Dang it I'm not even getting yelled at but I can totally feel Jughead's pain. Imagine what it must be like to have your own father want nothing to do with you.

It's got to hurt.

"Betty? I split with Betty--" Jughead started to defend himself.

So, that's why she was so mad.

"Well then, what do you want me to say?!" F. P. shouted and I got up from the couch.

I've had enough of this.

"I just want you to let me help fix this mess that I made." Jughead responded and I could totally tell he was fighting back tears.

"Get this through your thick skull Jughead. We're trapped!" F. P. said and I wanted to get in the middle of all this so bad, "We've got no leverage. If that means I gotta be Penny's dancing monkey for the time being, then that's how it goes."

That's when it all started to click in the small thing I call a brain. Penny was the person Jughead wanted me to scare off. That's the family problem. It's not Jughead living with F. P. it's Penny.

God why didn't I see this before?

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" I shouted and the both turned to me, "You listen to me you little babies."

I took a deep breath before pointing at F. P. "The problem isn't Jughead living with you so you don't say that again! GOT IT!"

"Got it." F. P. mumbled.

I then turned to Jughead, "Jughead this is stupid, don't fight your dad on this. He just want's to have a normal family. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

"Yes." Jughead said under his breath.

"Now I don't care what the two of you butt nuggest say. Penny is the problem so you need to put your arguments to the side and figure out what to do." I said calming myself down, "Because if you keep playing into her game, the game's never going to stop. Your not going to win when you play by the rules."

"I'm gonna go lay down." F. P. said walking away and Jughead turned to me.

"Now let's go break the rules." Jughead smiled grabbing his serpant jacket and calling for a meeting.

But I didn't walk out myself because Jughead had pratically dragged me out of the trailor.

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