Chapter 52: Archie's tattoo

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"We know that Hiram Lodge has taken over the Southside

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"We know that Hiram Lodge has taken over the Southside." Jughead said as me, Fangs, and Sweet pea walked side by side, "cause he's been colluding with the ghoulies."

"And we need to know what he's up to exactly." I contined, and right now the serpents loved me. Because I was the first person to stand up to Hirum, and punch him in the face.

Sweet Pea claims I'm learning it from him.

"Alright Fangs, your up." Jughead said placing his hand on Fangs shoulder, "I need to find the Goulies' new lair. Okay?"

"I can help if you want." I smiled at Fangs and he smiled back at me before nodding his head.

"If you see them, I don't want you to engage with them. This is just a recon mission, and we can't be risking another gang war." Jughead said causing me to raise an eyebrow confused.

"I'm sorry, when did the first gang war happen?" I questioned looking past Sweet Pea to meet Jughead's gaze.

"While you were in the hospital." Jughead replied and I just rolled my eyes.

"You have to be more specfic." I continued.

"When you were shot." Sweet Pea said as if it was obvious and I groaned.

"Which time?" I asked and Sweet Pea and Fangs looked at me confused.

"The last time." Jughead said, "Anyways, I just need a confirmation that whatever Hiram's up to, has nothing to do with the Serpents or Riverdale High."

"Will do." Sweet Pea replied.

"You got it." Fangs said at the same time.

"Hey, Y/n, Jug, come have a look." FP called us over to see Archie's arm, he's getting a serpent tattoo.

Just in case he does end up going to prison. But he won't, not under my watch at least. I will do whatever I can to keep him out.

"Might be my best one yet." FP continued as Jughead leaned against something and I walked over to see Archie's tattoo.

"Well, how does it feel to be an honorary Serpent?" Jughead asked walking over as I examined Archie's tattoo that was in the same spot as mine.

"Feels pretty savage, Jug." Archie replied causing a smile to spread across my face.

"Archie the first thing I learned from Southside High was that you need to roll with a crew to survive." Jughead explained and that didn't make me feel any better.

I was already nervous enough about the court case. I don't need to be more nervous. But I had to roll along with it.

"There are gonna be Serpents in juvenile detention." I informed my brother, "Find 'em. Sit with them. That tattoo is gonna get you in. But it's also gonna get you protected."

"Yeah, Y/n's right." FP said as he continued Archie's tattoo, "Up to a point. The Serpent ink will help keep your body safe but you still gotta worry about protecting this, eh?"

FP said pointing to his head, "I speak from experience, all right? Your mind is the first thing that goes."

FP put his glasses down his shirt as he continued, "when your locked up. If you can keep your head on straight, you can get through anything. You just... you gotta keep your wits about you, Red."

That's when I got a text from Mary, "Hey um... I got to go. It's about your case. Love you."

I said kissing Archie's forhead, "Love you to Juggie." I said kissing his cheek before running off.

I got home and practically kicked the door down. Mary gave me another reason, for Archie's innocents. I know that we already gave our closing statements. But I just feel like that the DA is going to pull something.

My dad was sitting at the counter reading when he saw me walk in, "Hey, Toni stopped-"

"Can't talk, Archie's case! IMPORTANT!" I shouted as I bolted up the stairs, I pushed my door open only to see Toni starring at the pictures on my wall, "I'm guessing that's what my dad was trying to say."

"Yeah, um I wanted to invite you to something..." She said as I went to my bullatin bored and flipped it around, "Woah are you planning a murder?"

"More like solving one." I replied as I wrote something down on a peice of paper and stuck it to the bullatin bored. I then grabbed a peice of red string and tied it around the pin I was using.

"Yeah okay then, um me and Cheryl are throwing a party. Archie, Veronica, Jug, and Betty are coming if you want to. It's at Thornhill." Toni said with a smile but my face fell to a frown as I turned around.

"You and Cheryl?" I asked looking down at my twiddling thumbs, even though were broken up it still hurts.

"That's not what I meant-" Toni tried to explain but I turned back around so she wouldn't see my tears.

"It doesn't matter, why would I care. It's not like were together." I replied starring at everything on the bored as Toni sighed behind me.

Toni wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her chin on my shoulder, "Just think about coming to the party, you've been working to hard. I don't want you to get to stressed out."

"I'll think about it, but for now I need to stress myself out, so you might want to leave before I punch you in the face." I replied causing Toni to laugh before leaving my room and I callapsed onto my bed, "What am I going to do?"

A/n: I don't know what I've done to myself. I love Toni so much, but I've given Jughead and Y/n just an amazing relationship that I might have to make a Jughead story.

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