Chapter 26: Clothes off, swimsuits on

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"Y/n, Toni's here!" My dad shouted from down stairs.

I smiled before changing into a dress and rushing down the stairs. When I got downstairs I saw Archie and Veronica waiting for me. I had my bags ready and Veronica immediatly helped me get my stuff in her car.

Betty and Jughead met us outside and we all climbed inside the car ready for this weekend get away. Me and Toni sat next to each other, Archie sat next to Veronica, and of course Betty sat next to Jughead.

The rode was beutiful and soon enough we arrived at a large cabin by a lake. Andre, our driver, helped us all out of the car and I couldn't take my eyes off the beutiful lake in front of us.

"It's beutiful." I said with Toni's hand in mine.

"Not as beutiful as you." Toni replied laying her head on my shoulder.

"Okay stop, you two are to cute." Veronica said before turning to Andre.

After Veronica was done talking to Andre we all walked inside while Archie was left to carry all the bags in. When we got inside it was just as beutiful as it was outside.

Jughead got a call and walked outside. We all walked outside to see a really disappointed Jughead. I tilted my head slight before Jughead finally explained what happened.

"That was Cheryl. She said you and Archie kissed in front of her house." Jughead explained and now I feel like maybe me and Toni shouldn't have come.

This is going to be a really awkward weekend.

"Sometimes I don't know weather to be her friend our slap her across the face." I mumbled rolling my eyes slightly.

After that Betty and Jughead went to there room while Veronica and Archie showed me and Toni to our room. On the inside of the room was one queen size bed and I gulped.

Me and Toni have never actully slept in the same bed. And I don't how I fell about starting to sleep in the same bed. I mean after all we did just barley get together.

"Don't tell me you both need your own bed." Veronica laughed.

"No, we're good. Thank you." Toni said pushing the couple out of our room and closing the door.

Once the door closed Toni turned to look at me with a look of worry. She had her hand glued to the back of her neck as she looked at me worried. And I raised an eye brow in confusion.

"You know Betty and Archie aren't the only ones that kissed." Toni said a look of worry of her face, "Me and Jughead kind of did it."

I started laughing and Toni got confused. I looked at her with a small smile before shacking my head slightly laughing even more. Toni got confused and placed her hands on her hips.

"Toni, I'm not mad." I laughed and that shocked her.

But before she could reply we heard a bed sqeaking and we both started laughing. A little while later me and Toni walked down stairs to see Archie, Betty, Veronica, and Jughead. But the two of us couldn't stop laughing, this was just to funny.

They were in the living room under blankets and drinking drinks. Toni and I shared the last arm chair as Veronica handed the two of us a drinks. Toni was sitting in the chair and I was sitting on one of her knees.

"So, your parents come up here a lot these days, Veronica?" Jughead asked.

"Not as much as they'd like." Veronica replied not getting what was going on.

But once Jughead asked the qustion I knew immidatly what was going on. Jughead was trying to dig up dirt on Hiram Lodge by trying to get it out of Veronica. I have to admit he's good, but he's stupid for even trying.

"Daddy's such a workaholic, you know." Veronica continued.

"On the SoDale project?" Jughead and Veronica nodded, "How's that going? Is that heating up? Still getting intense?"

"It is." Veronica replied as if it was nothing, "Luckily, Archie and Y/n's dad is doing such a superb job of keeping everything on schedule."

"V, tell us more about your fancy neighbors." Betty said because she figured out what Jughead was doing and Veronica is her best friend.

"Yeah, are they in the same buisness as your dad?" Jughead asked continuing his previous conversation.

"Jughead, I mean it." Betty hissed.

"Guys, what's up?" Toni asked as her arm slythered around my waist.

"Betty, I'm just making idle conversation." Jughead said looking at Betty, "I'm sorry, please continue."

"It's a hodgepodge, really. Some are in entertainment, some are in business, some are in real estate." Veronica explained.

"You know what's weird?" Jughead asked and I rolled my eyes.

Jughead needs to let it go, and if he doesn't I'm going to slap him so hard he's going to feel it next year. I forced Toni to come up here with me and I don't want her to dread every second of it.

"As we were driving up here, I noticed that none of the houses had mailboxes or numbers or anything on 'em..." Jughead said leaning back into the couch.

This is ridiculous, I'm so close to just taking Toni outside our upstairs. I really do want her to enjoy this visit but I don't think she can when Jughead is being a little butt.

"Shadow lake is a pretty private community." Veronica replied.

"Like they're hiding something?" Jughead asked.

"Jughead." Me and Betty said in unison as we both shot him a glare.

I never would have thought I'd say this or even think this. But maybe me and Betty are more alike then I thought we were. I thought she was the perfect girl next door, turns out she's so much more.

"Seriously this isn't 20 questions." Me and Betty said still in unison.

We both shot each other a quick look before looking back at Jughead. Jughead raised an eye brow at me because I don't usually help Betty but she has a really good point.

Veronica out of no where cleared her throat before saying, "Guys... I'm picking up some residual tension from I'm guessing, Chery's Random act of cruelty earlier. And Y/n finding about Toni and Jughead sleeping with each other."

"You knew?" I asked looking at Veronica and Archie, "And you didn't tell me?"

"We were in a fight." Veronica replied, "Anyways, it's understable. Fear you not though, I have just the antidote. Step one. Clothes off, swimsuits on.

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