Chapter 1

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"Y/n? Can you come to the living room for a second?" Gordon Bombay yells at his daughter who was in her room.

"I'll be there in a sec!" I yell back, closing up my school books. I gets out of my desk chair and opened my door.

I walk down the hall and go sit on the couch in the living room.
"What do you need dad?" I ask, as he comes to sit down beside me.

"Y/n i got some news. I got a new job at Ducksworth Law firm, which means we will be moving to Minnesota." He explained, as he grabbed my hand.

"Oh, okay. Will I still be able to play hockey?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Of course! It'll be a bit before you join a team, i want you to get settled first." He says, as he wraps one arm around my and brings me in for a side hug.

"Alright. When do we leave?" I asks, as I hop off the couch and heads towards the kitchen to find a snack.

"We leave next week, your last day at school will be Wednesday and we will be gone by Friday." Dad says as he follows me to the kitchen.

"Okay, i guess that means I'll have to say goodbye to everybody" i say, as i begin to cut up an apple into slices.

"Yeah but it will be alright." He says, as he kisses the top of my head, "you better get to bed soon, you have school tomorrow".

"I will! Goodnight dad, love you!" I yell as i walks down the hall back to my bedroom.

"Goodnight! I love you too." I hear him say before I shut my door.


I hit the alarm so it finally stops beeping. I look at the time, 7:36am, so i had an hour before I had to leave. I couldn't believe that in one week I would be leaving Chicago, all my friends and moving to Minnesota. But dad was happy to be moving back home, and i loved seeing him happy. I finally got out of bed and went to the kitchen to have breakfast. I knew dad was already gone, so I had the apartment to herself. I got out a bowl, and poured some cereal in it. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed the milk and poured some in my bowl. I put the milk away and grabbed a spoon, then walked to the table and sat down to eat.

After I finished eating, I put my bowl in the sink and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I did my hair, (however you want), and walked out of the bathroom. I walk into her bedroom and go to my closet. I pick out a nice shirt, and some light wash jeans. I get dressed and grab my red converse. I grab my school books that were still on my desk and slide them into my backpack.

I grab my rollerblades and head out into the Livingroom. I look at the clock on the wall, it reads 8:14am. I still had a bit of time before i have to leave so I sat on the couch for a bit. 'I should tell them today that i'm moving' i think to myself. I didn't know how i would but i knew i should do it today. 8:30am comes around and i put on my rollerblades on and grab my house key and put it in my pocket. i lock the door behind me and make my way to the elevator. I could've taken the stairs but didn't feel like it with my rollerblades. The elevator doors open and i skate in. The elevator goes down and the doors open again and then I'm on my way to school.

Once i get to school, i pop off my rollerblades and switch into my red converse that were in my backpack. I walk into school and look up at the clock, 8:47am. I make my way to my locker and put my rollerblades in, as well as my backpack. I was about to open my backpack again when a pair of arms grabbed me and lifted me into the air.

"DEAN, put me down!" I exclaim through laughter. I get set down and turn to face my bestfriend, Dean.

"I'm just playing with ya y/n." he says as he leans against the locker beside mine.

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