Chapter 5

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We get to the rink and i immediately go downstairs to start changing into my gear. I meet the team in our room.

"Of course, my first game had to be the hawks" Gordon muttered to himself looking at the ice, seeing the hawks players warmup.

"Gordon?" A familiar voice rang out, and he turned to see his old coach, Reilly.

"Hey coach" Gordon greets him.

"Oh call me Jack, we're both adults." Gordon nods his head.

"So you came back to see your old coach huh?" Reilly says, as he judges Gordon.

"No actually I'm coaching peewee, district 5." Before Gordon even finished his sentence, Reilly chuckles.
"You got a kid on the team?" He asks.

"Yes actually, but also no, it's for community service." Gordon tells him.

We get out into the box and are getting ready when 2 players come over and start chirping at some our people. I paid no attention to them and sat down. Dad came over to where we'd be. I told him to not play me as much, so he could get a look at how the rest of the team played so we would know where to start. He agreed. The first period starts.

"Hum batter batter, hey batter batter, swing batter batter." Averman starts singing.

"Averman! This is hockey, there's no batter!" Dad yells at him. I laugh at Averman and my dad.

"Hum goalie goalie, hey goalie goalie, save goalie goalie." Averman starts to sing his new song. I shake my head and turn back to the game.

In the second period dad played me. I skated to my spot and when the whistle blew, I quickly knocked over the guy in front me. I chased #9 on hawks team and stole the puck from him. I quickly changed direction and had a breakaway. I get to the hawks net and score our first point. The first point scored for District 5, ever. I celebrate and dad brings me back to the bench.

Charlie gets a hold of the puck and starts skating down to the hawks net.

"All right." Dad says.

"It's Spazway, he'll screw it up." Karp tells dad and we all watch him. A huge part of me hoped he would actually do it but nope. Charlie goes to hit the puck but misses and falls. He slides right into the boards. When he gets up, the #9 player, who's last name is Banks, hit him into the boards.

I shake my head. In the third period, dad plays me again and I make it my duty to get banks back. When the whistle blows, I hit banks to the ground and follow a guy named McGill with the puck. I steal the puck away and skate as hard and fast as I can. I make it to the hawks net and score again.

After the buzzer goes off we all go back to the bench. The final score was 17-3, me getting all three points. Everybody is arguing, except for me. I'm outside of the box in the ice.

"Hey shut up!" Dad yells, which makes me jump. "You guys stink! I thought we came here to play hockey."

"You know, I knew we forgot something." Peter remarks, which makes most of us laugh.

"Oh, you think it's funny? You think losing is funny?" Dad says back.

"Well not at first, but once you get the hang of it." Averman replies.

"We're the ones out there getting our butts kicked!" Jesse remarks.

"Yeah it's not like you coach us or anything. At least we tried." Jesses brother Terry adds on.

"You didn't listen to a word i said! I said keep your heads up, you puts your heads down. I said hustle, you went slower! If it wasn't for y/n, the score would be 17-0 not 17-3. That was the sloppiest playing I've ever seen! Why wont you guys just listen to me!" Dad finishes.

"Why the hell should we." Jesse says. Jesse stands up and walks off.

"You want to lose, fine. Your the ones who look like idiots out there." Dad says, and walks off too.
After he's a few feet away I apologize.

"Im sorry guys, he's just not used to coaching." I try to sound sympathetic and not rude.

"It's alright, you shouldn't apologize y/n. You at least got us points." Guy says and the rest of the team agreed. We all got off the ice and into the change room.

I said goodbye, and found my dad outside.

"What the hell was that?!" I half-yell, trying not to cause a scene. He looks at me and shakes his head. We spot Lewis and get in to be taken home.

Once we arrive at home I start again.
"What was that. And don't you dare say your not talking about it." I say, fuming with rage.

"They don't even know how to play hockey!" He lifts his hands up.

"They are kids! WE are kids! You can't just get mad at us and then expect us to do better without teaching!" I yell. He goes to say something but I just walk away, down the hall and into my room. I don't talk to my dad for the rest of the day.

 I don't talk to my dad for the rest of the day

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