Chapter 8

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We all get to the rink and everybody stands by the glass, watching the people.

"Those are some pretty good skaters. Who are they?" Dad asks.

"That's Tommy Duncan. And that's his sister Tammy." Terry replies.

"You think they would wanna play hockey?" Dad asks and some answer yeah. "Alright you guys go get changed. I'll do the negotiating."

Everybody is talking, and dad is explaining hockey to Tammy.

"Back to basics! Skating!" Dad yells then blows the whistle. We get into a line and one after one, we start skating around the cones.

"Go go. Side to side, shift your weight." Dad tells us. "Get comfortable on your edges. Thats good, that's good." I was one of the first done when I turn around to watch Charlie wipe out and go through all the cones.

"That's okay charlie." I console him while I help him up.

Dad tells us to take a knee and he brings out crates of something. When he gets closer, i see that they are egg cartons. He takes one out and bounces it around in his hand.

"Soft hands. You don't shoot the puck to your teammate. You sail it to him. Karp, on your feet." Dad explains and Karp obeys.

"You send it." Dad sends the gfs to Karp, only for him to crack it by keeping his stick in the same place. Everybody laughs at the egg exploding.

"You don't stop the pass. You accept it. Cradle it." Dad explains further. Averman goes to send it, and hits the egg to hard causing it to explode. "Again." Dad tells him, "Concentration, not strength."

"Like the Karate Kid, right? 'Wax on! Wax off!'." Averman jokes, and starts doing the movements.

"Just shut up and try it Averman." Connie tells the boy, Averman goes quiet and tries again. He sends it back without breaking it.

"Good Averman, Charlie." Dad says, and sends the egg to Charlie who receives it without breaking it. "Good, good. Now, sail it back."

Charlie goes to sail it back, but hits it too hard and it explodes, splatting all over dad. We all start laughing at him, while he tries to wipe egg off.

We line up in partners across from eachother, i partnered with Connie. We all kept sailing the egg back and forth until we all got ahold of the feeling.

"Good, good. Cradle it. Soft hands, soft hands." Dad states while watching over us all. Goldberg skated up to Dad.

"Nice drill, coach. Really very cute." He begins, "but when are you gonna work with me in goal?"

"Goldberg, do you trust me?" My dad asks him, while having a mischievous grin.

Dad gets Goldberg tied to the net.
"My mother would not approve of this coach. She'd like me to live to be bar mitzvah'd." Goldie pleads.

"This is your bar mitzvah, Goldberg. Today you will become a man." Dad tells him then skates to wear we are all lined up.

"Coach, i think you got your ceremonies mixed up. It's more like a circumcision." Goldie says. I chuckle to myself at his comment. Goldie keeps making pleas to dad.

"District 5! Ready?" Dad yells. We all put our sticks on the ice. "Aim!"

"Bye bye Goldie." I say, with a cheeky smile.

"Fire!" Dad yells, and we all fire the pucks at Goldberg. Some miss the net completely, other go in the net but most start hitting Goldberg. Goldberg screams, until he starts laughing.

"This doesn't hurt!" He yells, "You wimps! Give me your best shot!"  After all of our pucks are gone, we start tapping the ice with our sticks. We all start chanting 'Goldberg'.

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