Chapter 11

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I'm sitting on the bench tying my skates in front of my locker, that's in a far corner of the room. Everybody's talking and playing around, getting pumped up for the game. Everybody goes quiet when the door opens but I don't get up to see who it is.

"Hey, wasn't sure if you'd show up." Dad says, so i assume it's Adam.

"Yeah whatever. I just want to play hockey." Adam replies.

"Ducks you all know Adam Banks." Dad introduces him. I finish tying my first skate and move in to my other one.

"On behalf of the Ducks, I'd like to say welcome" Charlie began before he got interrupted.

"Cake-eater." Jesse interrupts.

"Ooh the Jess-man, dissin the new guy! The Jess-yet." Averman starts to joke.

"Shut up Averman." Jesse yells at the boy, "puttin on a ducks jersey doesn't mean your a real duck." And then everybody started walking out of the changeroom. I nodded at Charlie to tell him I'd be out.

"They're a good group once you get to know them." Dad tries to comfort Adam a bit.

"I bet." Adam replies flatly.

"Well suit up. See you on the ice." And then the door closes, and i assume dad walked out. I walk out from around the corner with just my under shirt and padding on, not my jersey yet.

"They truly are a good group." I say, and he jumps.

"No your good i just thought everybody left." He replies as he set his bag down in a locker and grabbed his new jersey , #99.

"But i mean it, they are a good group." I start, and disappear around the corner to grab my jersey. "Plus, you have me. I know what it's like joining a new team, and it not being your old one, with all your friends." I slip my jersey on. I grab my helmet and stick and gloves and walk back around the corner.

"Yeah you're not from here right. So where are you from?" Adam asks, as he slips on some of his equipment.

"Chicago." I reply and give him a smile. "You live here your whole life?" I ask.

"Yup. In Edina." He answers.

"Cool. Hey, would you want to hang out at the mall after the game, if you can? Get to know each other and just hang out?" I ask.

"Oh uh yeah, sure." He answers, and i can just faintly see his cheeks go pink. I smile at him.

"Okay, well I'll see you in the ice." And he nods and i walk out.

In the 2nd period, i sat on the bench. Banks and other players were out on the ice.

"Right here I'm open!" Adam would yell, but nobody would pass to him. The puck kept in going back and forth between every other player. I shook my head. Yeah it's his first game with us, but he's a damn good player and doesn't deserve to be iced out like that.

"Pass it to Banks!" Dad yells, and finally Charlie
passes it to banks, who turns around and scores. We all cheer that we had gotten a point. I see Jesse shake his head and skate away.

With only 16 seconds left in the third period, and a tie 1-1, i didn't know what we were gonna do.

"Goldberg, your gonna sit this one out." Dad says.

"Are you crazy?" I say and chuckle.

"What? You're pulling the goalie when we're tied?" Karp says, then everybody starts talking.

"Listen. A tie isn't going to help us! We need the win. Okay, Fulton. You're our extra man. Everybody get the puck to Fulton. That's your job." Dad explains.

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