Chapter 3

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I've been going to school for 2 weeks and it's been amazing. I've made friends with new people, and 2 of them were coming over tonight for a movie. I'm setting everything up when I hear a knock on the door.

"Just a minute!" I yell to whoever is out there as i set the popcorn bowl down.

I walk over to the door and open it, to reveal Guy and Charlie, the 2 friends who were coming over.

"Hey boys" i say as i open the door more, and gesturing for them to come in.

"Hello y/n." Guy says as he walks in.

"Hi y/n." Charlie follows shortly after. I shut the door behind them and walk over to the couch. They follow me over and plop down beside me.

"So, what are we watching?" Charlie asks, looking at the tv to me.

"I thought we could watch (insert fav/good movie)?" I reply grabbing one of the single serve popcorn bowls.

They both agree so I set it up and press play. They grab their own bowls of popcorn and we sit and watch the movie.

After the movie was over, the boys left since it was a school night. Tomorrow was Friday so I planned on asking dad when he got home if then and Connie could come spend the night.

I cleaned up our mess and checked the time 9:23pm, and I wondered why dad wasn't home yet. I decided to go take a shower, and thought he would be home by the time I got out. But when I got out, he still wasn't home. I thought to myself that he was just caught up with work, or a case. I decide to just go to bed and that he would come home later.


I hit the alarm and jump out of bed. I go to my dads room and his bed wasn't slept in. I go out to the living room and he's not on the couch. At this point I'm getting nervous because he didn't come home. I go and get dressed quickly and come out to eat and fill my water bottle. I bring out my backpack and set it on a chair at the table.
I'm sitting on the couch, and it's 7:39am when the door opens. Dad walks in.

"Where were you!?" I get up quickly and walk toward him.

"Y/n. I'm sorry. I- i got arrested last night and spent the night in jail." He replies, with his head down. He still stands by the door.

"You got arrested?!? For what?!" I half-yell at him.

"Drinking while driving." He says, just barely audible.

"What! Dad if something had have happened?! To you or to somebody else!" I frustratedly yell.

"I know I'm sorry, but I've learnt my lesson. I just had a case turn out badly yesterday and I needed something to take my mind off it." He walks into the kitchen and grabs a glass of water.

"That's when you come home! And tell me about it and if need be, drink here! Not out in your car! You could have killed somebody!" I yell at him, tears dropping from my eyes. "You could have killed yourself." I say in an almost whisper. He looks up and sees me crying.

"Hey hey," he says as he walks over and pulls me in for a hug. He holds me tightly. "I'm so so so sorry y/n/n, i didn't mean to worry you. It won't happen again, i promise, i learnt my lesson."

I just stand there, in the hug. We stand there for a couple minutes before we let go. He places his hands on my cheeks.

"I love you y/n." He says, and he then kisses my forehead.

"I love you too dad." I smile and reply back. I look at the clock and it's already 8:26am. I grab my lunch and water bottle from the fridge and put it in my backpack.

"I've gotta go meet them. I'll see you after school dad." I say, as i leave the apartment.

The school day goes by fast, and me and the gang walk down the street back home.

"Bye Connie" we all say as she turns at the corner of her street. Me and the boys continue walking, and not long after Guy turns and leaves us as well. Me and Charlie live close, still a few blocks away from eachother.

"Bye Charlie." I say and wave as he turns to go down his street. I turn to go down mine. I pull my scarf around my neck a little tighter since the breeze was chilly. There was snow all over, as it's been snowing for a bit now, but we got a dump of snow this week. I get to the apartment building and head up. The door was unlocked which meant dad was home. I walk in and begin taking off my layers.

"Hey kiddo." Dad says, as he walks out of the hall into the kitchen.

"Hey dad." I reply, I set my bag down so I can take off my coat and scarf to hang them up. I pull of my boots and put them in the boot tray. I grab my bag again and put it up in one of the dining chairs.

"So, y/n. I have to do community service for my DUI, so they want me to coach this peewee hockey team. Would you be up for playing and helping me coach the team?" He says, as he taps the counter.

"Yeah, I'd love too." I reply as I cut up an apple to have as a snack.

"Great, because we go meet them tomorrow." He says, and he walks out.

I take my apples and my bag to my room. I take out one of my schoolbooks. I had homework due that has to be done this weekend. I look at it and decide I'll do it later. I wonder about what the team will be like, and who they'll be. I decide that I'll actually do my homework now, while I eat my apples.

After hard work for about 10 minutes then a 2 hour nap, dad wakes me up to go eat supper. We go out and eat what he made which was (insert any food dish you like). We eat, saying few things about our days.

"I'll be at home more often these next few weeks." He says finally, "I got suspended from work but it's paid suspension." I nod to let him know I understand because i had my mouth full of food. After supper we did the dishes and I went back to my room. I decided again that I would try and do my homework again.

I got about half done before I quit and had a shower. The hot shower water felt nice because of the chilly days. I got out and put on my pjs. I walk over to my bed and decide to lay down. Before I knew, I had fallen asleep.

 Before I knew, I had fallen asleep

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