Chapter 10

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"How did the forfeit go, spaz-way?" Karp turns and asks Charlie.

"Yeah did you score?" Peter adds.

"Leave me alone, guys. I don't want to talk about the team." Charlie replies.

"Oh yeah sure coaches pet. Everybody knows he likes you best." Peter remarks. I kick his seat, since I sit behind him.

"Likes his mom you mean." Karp remarks and Charlie jumps up.

"Take it back Karp! Take it back now!" Charlie says as he pushes the boy and they start fighting.

"Hey leave him alone Karp." I say as I push him off Charlie.

"You have no right shoving Karp." Peter says, and he pushes me. Fulton stands up and pushes Peter.

"Don't push her she's a girl." Guy says as he stands up too. Everybody joins in on the fight. The teacher, mr. Kazanowa and the principal burst in.

We all scramble to get back to our seats. I sit down and look to Charlie, who can't sit because his chair was taken.

"I have never in my life... What have you got to say for yourselves?" The principal asks. That's when one of the boys starts quacking and we all join in.

"Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack"

We are all in one room, writing on our chalkboards, 'i will not quack at the principal'. The door opens and we turn to look at who it is. It was my dad, Gordon.

"What do you want?" Karp snickers.

"I want to talk to you guys." Dad starts.

"People." Tammy says annoyed.

"People, right. Sit down please. All of you." Dad asks, but all of us stay standing. "Okay don't sit down. Look, what's done is done. I want to be your coach again." Dad explains.

"You want to coach a bunch of losers." Averman states.

"No, i want to coach the ducks." Dad replies.

"What about the things you said? You said we didn't deserve to live." Karp says.

"Karp, i was being sarcastic. Do you know what that means?" Dad asks, as he turns to look at Karp.

"Noooo." Karp says, very sarcastically.

"Okay then you do. I didn't mean those things the way they sounded. Do you guys know what it's like to be misunderstood, right?" Dad states.

"Yeah of course we're kids." Peter replies and some of us nod.

"So can you forgive me? Can I be your coach again?"

"What about Banks?" Guy asks.

"He can be in the team if he wants." Dad replies. "He should've been with us all year. It's you guys who were cheated. But let's forget all that crap! We're a team right?"


"I made you guys, and I'm sticking with you." Dad say, and he grabs me under his arm and everybody chuckles. He lets me go. "So what's it gonna be?  We can play tomorrow night and still have a shot at the playoffs... or we can forfeit again and the seasons over. Peter, what do you say?" Everybody turns to look at Peter.

"Well I guess it would help if we practised first." Peter replies.

"All right. Let me see if I can get you out of detention." Everybody high-fives. I'm relieved because my hand was cramping from writing.

"You really quacked at the principal?" Dad asks, and grins.

"Yeah, we did." I smirk and reply.

"Are we ducks or what?"


On the drive home, dad was talking about what he did.

"You really got fired?" I ask.

"Yup." He nods and replies

"And you quacked at him?"

"Yup" dad replies and laughs. I join in too.

We get back to our apartment and go in. I take my school bag to my room and grab my hockey bag. I walk out of my bedroom and look at my dad who was already looking back at me.

"Y/n/n, I want to talk to you about Casey." Dad starts and i nod, allowing him to go on. "I know that it would be a change but I think I'm going to ask Casey out on a date. Would that be alright with you?" He asks.

"Of course it is. I want you to be happy dad, with whomever that may be." I reply and smile at him. He smiles back.

"Thanks y/n. Now we better get to the rink for practice." He says and he turns and walks towards the door. I smile at myself again. I loved seeing dad happy.

 I loved seeing dad happy

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