Chapter 13

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We won all the games that we played and we were hanging out before we played the hawks the next day. We, meaning Fulton, Averman, Goldberg, Charlie, Guy, Connie and Adam were over at my place. The rest of the people wanted to stay at home, which was fine. I was laying on my bed, Adam sitting up against the wall beside me. Everybody else was spread out within my room.

"We've got to be our best tomorrow against the Hawks." Connie says and we all agree and nod our heads.

"How's it gonna feel playing again at your old team?" I ask, and look up at Adam. Everybody turns to look.

"It's gonna feel odd, but none of them have hung out with me since I joined the Ducks." Adam answers, looking down at me. We make eye contact.

"I bet it would. I couldn't imagine playing my home team." I say, still maintaining eye contact. I heard something, and looked away. Connie and Guy had snuggled up to eachother. A smirk spread on my face as I watched the two. It reminded me a lot of how me and Dean would sit, of course our intentions were friendly and not like theirs.

"Can you two get together already?" Charlie speaks what we were all thinking, and we all nod and laugh at their flustered faces. I feel my bed shift and see that Adam had shifted closer to me so my arms were touching his legs. I glanced over at it and I felt heat rise to my cheeks. Luckily, Averman changed the subject.

"I'm hungry." Averman states, and i turn to him.

"Me too. Let's go to the kitchen." I say and climb over Adam to get to my door. "Anybody want anything?" I ask, turning to face everybody.

"Can you make us popcorn?" Fulton asks, and i nod.

"Here I'll come and help." Adam says and gets off my bed. Me, Adam and Averman walk to the kitchen. I get the popcorn maker out and some bowls.

Averman looks around in the cupboards. I go over to the cupboard with the popcorn. Adam just leans against the one counter. I walk past him back to the popcorn maker. Averman finds something and leaves.

I turn the popcorn maker on and pour the kernels in. I move and go stand beside Adam and wait with him. He moves his hands to put them on the cupboard behind him, and he brushes my arm. I sort of just smile. Once the popcorn was done popping, I went to go unplug it when a kernel popped and scared me. I jumped and screamed. Adam, having witnessed it, started laughing at me. I playfully punch him in the arm.

"It's not funny!" I tell him, whilst laughing myself. He throws his hands up defensively.

"Okay okay!" He says, still giggling. He grabs one of the bowls and heads back to my room with it. I grab the last bowl and follow him.

"I mean, i didn't want to do it, but I was forced." Averman explains, and i listen intently.

"You were forced, to burp the abcs for the class? By who?!" I say and smile, and i look over to the hand that rose. Fulton.

"I should have guessed honestly." Adam says and we all laugh.

"Oh hey, look at the time. I gotta go home." Averman says, as he looks at the alarm clock.

"Oh okay, I'll walk you out." I say and stand up and walk him to the door.

"Thanks for having me over y/n. That popcorn was delicious." He says and smiles.

"Anytime Averman." I say and we say goodbye and he leaves. I walk back to my room to grab the 2 popcorn bowls. Everybody was once again talking about our upcoming game. I grab the bowls and walk back out to the kitchen. I was rinsing them out when a voice spooked me.

"Y/n?" The voice rang out, and I knew it was Adam.

"Yeah?" I say and turn to look at him.

"My dads here so I gotta go." He says, "thanks for having me over." I wipe my hands off and walk over and meet him by the door.

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