Chapter 12

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We walk into the big ice rink and watch as the North Stars practice for their game tonight. We arrived just as they were finishing so we watched them all walk off. I stood next to Adam and watched him as he watched every player intently. Just then 2 players stop in front of us.

"Hey, Gordo! Gordon Bombay, right?" The player says, and sticks his hand out for my dad to shake.

"You remember me?" Dad says amazed and shakes his hand.

"Sure, from Pee Wees. This guy used to rule in Pee Wees." He says to the player next to him.

"I heard you became a farmer." The other player says.

"Actually I became a lawyer. But I'm coaching Pee Wee now and this is my team, the Ducks. That's my daughter." He says and points to me, so I wave quickly, "Ducks, this is Basil McRae and Mike Modano." Dad says.

"Duh we can see that." We all say and i laugh.

"Hey Ducks, listen to this guy. He knows what he's talking about. If you ever want a shot, I'll get you a tryout in the minor league clubs." My heart sinks a little when dad seems like he might try it, but if dad makes it in the minors he could play in the NHL, so I just smile.

"All right! Let's have some fun!" Dad yells.

We all skate around, i look over to see Guy and Connie skating hand in hand. I smile and keep on skating with Adam. We all play around and slide on the ice enjoying it. I laugh when Lewis falls and trips dad, which causes him to fall too. I watch as Charlie decided to practice his Triple Deke, which dad had been teaching him. Dad had taught me all his tricks a few years ago when I still played with Dean and Donnie. Kate figure skated, but she still came and watched every game and we watched all her competitions. I was brought out of my thoughts when Connie skated up to me.

"Soooooo. you and Banks?" She says, and grins.

"We're friends. I was the only one who was nice to him when he joined us." I reply, looking at her.

"Mhm, i can tell when people like each other and it's obvious he likes you." She says, and pokes me.

"Really? I don't see it." I say and shrug. I'll be honest, Adam is very cute and very kind and I've loved getting to know him over the course of these days. She skates off, leaving me to wonder, 'does he like me?'. I look over at the group of boys, all doing some idiotic thing. I smile to myself and watch them, and I catch myself watching Adam more than the rest of them.

We sit and watch the game when we notice the board, it says, 'Welcome Gordon Bombay & The Ducks'. We all started cheering when we saw it. I sat in between Fulton and Adam who cheered louder than I did. I look over at Adam to notice he's looking at something else. I follow his eyes and see McGill and Larson. They pretend to shoot him and Adam hides in his chair. I grab his hand and his eyes quickly looks at our hands and up to my face. I smile at him.

"Don't worry about what they do." I whisper and he smiles and nods. I didn't let go of his hand and decided to just hold it, to comfort him.

The North Stars scored so we all cheered again.

"You know, I heard the North Stars wore the same underwear all through the playoffs last year for luck. So I'm doin the same thing." Charlie explains. I scrunch up my nose in disgust.

"Ew." I tell him.

"Hmmm maybe I should've cooked." Dad replied.

"You know, I'm thinking maybe we can all go down to the winter festival tonight."

"All four of us?" Charlie asks.

"Sure." Dad replies, as he sets down utensils at the plate in front of him.

"I don't think we should, me and y/n, I've got homework and she needs to help me do it." Charlie begins, and i catch on to what he's doing.

"Mhm yeah, but you two should go. By yourselves." I add on. Dad looked like he was going to say something before the door closed. I turn around to see Casey.

"Smells great!" She says and then notices my dad, "hello." Charlie whispers something in his ear.
We finished eating and kicked them out so they could go to the winter festival. I dried the dishes as Charlie washed.

"What do you think it'd be like, if they got together and married?" Charlie asks.

"I don't know, I think it'd be cool to have a brother, but I'm pretty sure dads thinking about that tryout." I reply, and Charlie looks at me.


"Yeah. Of course if he decides he might want to do it, he'll obviously ask me about it." I hang up the towel and start putting the dishes away. Charlie helps me do so.

Charlie grabs his backpack and pulls out a notebook.
"So I wasn't entirely lying when I told your dad I had homework." Charlie says, and smirks.

"Do you need my help?" I ask, and he shakes his head no.

"I don't think so, but if I do." He starts.

"Yeah yeah, ask me." I say and laugh.

The next day, I had Charlie, Connie, Guy and Adam over. We were in my room just hanging out and talking about the upcoming championship games.
"Hey y/n what's this?" Adam asks as he points to a picture hanging on my wall. I look at what picture he's talking about.

"Oh, that's my friend Dean, from Chicago. Dad took that picture on the first day of school, just a month before we moved here." I say smiling.

"Hm, you never talk much about Chicago." Connie says, and i look back at her. Everybody is now looking at me.

"What?" I ask and I go sit back down on my bed.
"There just isn't much to talk about, that's all." I reply once I'm sat, and we restart on the topic of the games coming up. I look back at the picture in my hands, and smile. I play with the bracelet and join in on the conversation.

 I play with the bracelet and join in on the conversation

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