Chapter 14

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"I can't take it anymore..."


" My name is Bella. I'm Taehyung's girlfriend!"

You know that feeling where you think that everything is going well in your life? That feeling when you think where things are getting better to the point that you can find happiness and peace of mind?

But in reality nothing changes, everything is colliding.And you're constantly reminded that even though you're trying your best you won't change a thing about your life.It s like you're getting used to it by now.

It was time for you to accept the ugly truth. He had a girlfriend and it wasn't you.

You smiled by her statement but your heart was shuttered in thousand pieces, your eyes darted from her to Taehyung's laying body. His eyes locked with yours and you didn't even dared to break the eye contact as if you were waiting for him to speak up. You were waiting for his reassurance. You really wished for him to tell you that she was lying.

But he didn't .In fact he stayed quiet.

You didn't know what to do at this point. You weren't even in a position to be mad at him cause you two weren't a "thing". You wanted to be least in front of them.

"Really?!" you forced a smile while you looked at her "You never told me you had a girlfriend" you spoke as you averted your gaze back to Taehyung.

"Well things weren't going well between us. We had a little fight about two weeks ago." she paused and walked over him just to sit beside him. "When I called Yoongi" she paused "...he told me about yesterday's Taehyung condition" she added with a sad tone as her hands made their way down to hold Taehyung's.

"It's all because of me. He ended up like this because of me. I was so selfish" her voice cracked.

Your mind couldn't process anything at the moment. You just watched them without uttering a single world. You felt like Taehyung was playing you. You felt betrayed, No, you felt broken. You thought that Taehyung owe you an explanation this time.

"I want to go to your place" he finally spoke and she nodded standing up from the bed to help him. You were standing there paralyzed, It seems like you were invisible.

"Thank you for being such a considerate friend!" she thanked you with a beautiful smile causing you to nod lightly. You were really trying to fight your tears back while you watched him climbing off the bed where you two shared a blissful moment few days ago. And then your mind thought about the day where you two were cuddling in this bed. 'I guess it meant nothing to him' you thought.

You saw as she helped him gather up his stuff.

"Thank you again Y/n" she said before they both head out of the apartment.

And just like that he left.





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