CH 4

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Over the years, Tobirama and I became good friends, Hashirama was named the Hokage, Tobirama had his own genin student group, I was teaching at the academy, and my brother was, well he was very reclusive these days honestly.

But. I loved my job. I loved the kids. I loved teaching and I was excited for today's lesson.

I heard the bell ring, signaling the class to take their seats.

"Today's lesson is going to be about chakra natures. Does anyone know what that is?" I asked.

I saw about 30% of the class raise their hands.

"Saki." I said to the Nara boy.

"Chakra nature is your affiliated nature right?"

"Yes it is. Like wind, water and fire. We all have our first chakra nature. Some are able to master a second and third and combine them. But today lets just focus on your first one. We're gonna do a little experiment first. Everyone take one piece of this paper and pass it to the next." I said handing the basket of chakra papers.

Once everyone had a piece, "good. Now, send a little bit of your chakra through it. It'll tell you your nature. If the paper burns, it's fire. If it gets soggy, it's water, and so on."

I turned to look at the door and saw Tobirama standing there with his arms crossed.

When I finished writing on the board, I turned back to the students, "after the experiment and you find your chakra nature, come up here and find it on the board. Next to it will be the location you'll go to, for your second period teachers."

I set my chalk down and walked over to Tobirama, " what are you doing here?"

He shrugged "just came to observe."

"Oh really?" I said raising a brow.

"Any promising students?"

"A couple. Sakura Yamanaka and Kei Uchiha." I said nodding.

"Kei will be a fire chakra nature. Any ideas for the Yamanaka?" Tobirama asked.

"Water maybe?" I said with a smile.

That got a small smile from Tobirama also.

"I wanted to ask you something." Tobirama finally admitted.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" I asked, knowing he wasn't here just to observe my class.

"Would you have dinner with me tonight?" Tobirama boldly asked.

I was shocked. Over the years, Tobirama and I did have a close friendship, much to the dismay of his fan girls, and my brother, Madara. Madara was still the clan head of the Uchiha clan, however he had changed over the years. His mental stability was very shot, and my friendship with Tobirama did not help. Surely a date between the us would drive Madara over the edge and i knew it, but....

"I'd love to." I finally said.

Tobirama looked shocked for a second but happy. "Uh. Great. Good. I'll pick you up from your apartment at 7 then?"

"Sounds good." I said as Tobirama scratched the back of his head.

"I gotta get back to my class, but I'll see you then." I said with a smile and a wave.

"Yeah." Tobirama said in a daze.

I walked back to my classroom, "is everyone finished with their experiments?"

They all nodded and said yes.

"Good. Homework for tonight is to complete your worksheet page 88. Your dismissed to the locations on the board." I said as they filed out.

'Now. What the hell am I going to wear tonight?'

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