CH 9

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Tobirama walked up the steps to Emi's apartment excited to pick her up and the last of her things, so they could start this next chapter of their lives together.

He knocked on her door.

No answer.

So he knocked again this time louder.

Still no answer.

Tobirama was concerned as he knew Emi didn't have to work today, and would be up this early. He didn't have a key to her apartment since they had just gotten a house together.

He put his hand on the knob, and turned it and realized it was unlocked, so he opened the door. When he walked in he saw Emi unconscious on the floor, in the same clothes as yesterday.

He ran up to her and checked her pulse. 'Good. She's still alive.' He thought.

"Emi. Emi! Emi, can you hear me?" He said as he shook her and got no response.

'Not good.' He thought as he scooped her up in his arms and ran as fast as he could to the hospital.

"Lord Tobirama?" A nurse questioned.

"Help. Please. She's, she's unconscious, I just found her like that, I don't know how long or what happened, please help her." He begged.

"Set her on the stretched." The nurse nodded.

He did. He tried to follow as she was wheeled away, but was stopped by the nurse.

"Until we figure out what happened and what's wrong with her, I can't allow you to go back there. I'm sorry Lord Tobirama. We'll take good care of her."

He nodded, defeated.


Tobirama sat in the waiting room the whole time. No update. After 2 hours Hashirama arrived.

"How is she?" Hashirama asked.

"They won't tell me." Tobirama shook his head.

Hashirama nodded. "I'll see if they'll tell me anything. Mito finished moving her things in for you guys."

"Thank you."

Tobirama watched his brother walk away and go to the nurses station and talk to a nurse.

It was at this moment, Mito had arrived.

"How is she?"

"They won't tell me. Hashirama is trying to get information from the nurses now." Tobirama explained.

Mito nodded, looking deep in thought.

"You look like you know something. What is it?" Tobirama questioned.

Mito shook her head, " I have no idea if this is connected, but no one had seen Madara since last night."


Mito nodded. "Do you think he could have something to do with this?"

"We're about to find out." Tobirama said as he noticed his brother walking back towards them.

"Well it's nothing serious. She was hit on the back of her head by something. They said the doctor said she is fine, just sleeping right now." Hashirama explained. "What is it?"

"Where's Madara." Tobirama demanded.

Hashirama shook his head. "I don't know why?"

"Hashirama. I figured we'd need a family member here, so I was asking around the Uchiha compound for Madara. No ones seen him since last night." Mito explained.

"You think Madara tried to kill the last family member he has?" Hashirama questioned.

"She's dating me, big brother." Tobirama reasoned. "We'll find out when she wakes up."

"What are you going to do, if it's true?" Mito asked her husband.

"We'll have to arrest him." Hashirama said.

Tobirama huffed. "You better find him before I do then, big brother."


"Because, if I find him I'm gonna kill him." Tobirama said darkly.

Both Hashirama and Mito felt his deadly aura, and knew it was true.


Emi had been out all day, making Tobirama a complete nervous wreck. However they were all allowed in her room at this point.

"She's awake." Mito announced.

Tobirama grabbed her hand. "Emi. Are you okay?"

Emi looked at him confused for a moment. "Where am I?"

"The hospital Emi. Do you remember what happened?" Hashirama questioned.

"My. My brother. Madara. He was there. In my apartment. Last night. After you left Tobirama. He said he'd save me. And not to find him."

"So it's true." Hashirama said to Tobirama who nodded.

"What?" Emi asked.

"Your brother deflected from the village. I'm sorry Emi." Tobirama explained.

She showed no emotion. "It's my fault."

"How?" Hashirama raised a brow.

"He wanted me to chose him." She said.

They all nodded knowingly.

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